IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It is widely believed that nowadays there is a trend that media focuses on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. Personally, I completely agree with this view for a variety of reasons.
People have different views on the influences that a large number of the country's population choose to settle down in cities have on themselves and society. While there are some detrimental impacts on their children and their mental health, I do believe that they can benefit more from such migration.
In recent decades, colour is a powerful tool extensively utilized by retail companies and manufacturers to enhance marketing campaigns and revenue annually. Although, psychologists believe that colour can influence our consumer behaviour, and companies are utilized for a variety of purposes. This essay will discuss perspective and explain in the ensuing paragraphs.
It is true that some individuals believe that applying a retirement policy for people above 65 does not get well along with fairness for other groups of age which they should decide when they would like to stop working and get a pension during their career path. While I respect policies from authorities and their efforts to improve labourers' life quality, I totally agree that the government should allow workers to decide their retirement time with the right payment.
Sugary food become the favourite one for all generations ranging from kids to the elderly. However, the sugary product undeniably triggers negative effects on health. It is argued that the cost should be increased to reduce the consumption. In my opinion, I completely agree with the aforementioned statements.
The number of people who are interested in seeking the history of the building or house in some countries even increase. There are two reasons why society does it, and how they execute it.
Advertising dates back hundreds of years. Although it captures the attention of people to buy a certain product, some others think that it is no longer as effective as it should be because it is too common. I will discuss the power of advertising and how much impact it can make in persuading everyone to make a decision.
Technology has revolutionized the way of acquiring knowledge with online learning systems. Whilst, the traditional manner of studying in the classroom has its own benefits. In this ,essay I would like to shed light on both perspectives along with my opinion in the upcoming paragraphs.
The development of a nation is a multi-dimensional aspect, nonetheless, economics is not the only factor which the majority contributes towards it. There are 10 determining components involved in the success of one country namely agriculture, international trade, culture, environment, industrial activities, education, employment, recession, infrastructure, politics and health. According to me, these facets contribute almost equally to development.
Infants and youths these days are gaining weight which is not healthy and developing health issues due to nutritionally unbalanced meals. In this essay, the causes of the above topic will be discussed.
It is true that some university pupils want to know more about other subjects and add to their study plans. Meanwhile, others say the most important is to learn their own main subject. This essay will examine both views.
Environmental health is fundamental to the well-being of humanity. Some are of the view that it is our sole responsibility to take care of it while others believe it to be on the shoulders of the government. In this essay, I will discuss both the views and provide my opinion.
Interdependency among nations is on the rise, whether be it for goods and services, or for human resources. While some, including myself, suggest that English in schools should be made mandatory worldwide, others, mainly advocates of culture preservation strongly disagree. In this essay, I will examine both viewpoints and give my judgement.
In many parts of the globe, the majority of society is more adores Western outfits, and they prefer wearing them, instead of their local clothes. The influence of Western culture is a major motive behind this trend. Personally, I see it as a disadvantage since brings many consequences which will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs.
Nowadays, public celebration is one of the most common traditions in every country. Some people believe that it spends so much money on the government. In fact, I agree with those who say that the money should use in other sectors. This essay will explain more and give some relevant examples.
Our lives have changed tremendously since the internet enables people to shop, work and contact others entirely online. On balance, I believe it is a positive development with some drawbacks.
A controversial problem among individuals is who must take care of the environment care. Some people believe that it is the government's duty to save the ecosystem, while other people believe that the citizens must take a major part in caring about the environment. In my opinion, I believe that both citizens and government are responsible.
The environment is like our mother, which protects us from a bunch of disasters a lot of times which we do not know and everyone should take care of it, but a lot of critics believe it needs be to taken care of by the citizens however, a bunch of other folks believe local authorities should step ahead. I will be explaining both notions before putting my pen down and thoughts.
Instead of traditional medicine, more people are opting for alternative medicines and treatments to tackle their health issues. I believe this is a negative development, detrimental to both public health and the cause of modern medicine.
Nowadays, our lifestyle is influenced by a number of factors. A host of people believe that climatic conditions have the greatest influence while so much that the local economy is the determining factor. I am totally convinced that the monetary factor is the most important element.
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