IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It has been frequently argued that cell phone plays a crucial role in the lives of youngsters, whilst others consider it could have a detrimental impact on them. In the upcoming paragraphs, I would like to shed light on both perspectives along with my opinion.
It has been suggested by some that allowing children to make their own decisions on everyday matters, such as food, clothes, and entertainment, may contribute to a society of individuals who are solely focused on their own desires. Conversely, others argue that it is crucial for children to have agency in decisions that affect them. In my opinion, I agree with the latter perspective, as it can foster their self-confidence and contribute to the development of their overall personality.
It is true that more nations these days encourage their youngsters to travel or take a job before entering university. While there are some merits to it, there will also be several drawbacks to taking this action.
Child rearing plays a key role in a family, in which adults have the obligation to guide their sons and daughters to address problems in a proper manner. There is a view that children from ordinary and disadvantaged backgrounds are more capable of tackling issues when growing up than their peers from well-off backgrounds. Although I agree with the opinion in some cases, the conclusion is too absolute to be true for all.
Nowadays, the large amount of garbage produced by countries is responsible for many environmental pollutions. A group of society believes there is not sufficient effort from the population to recycle trash. They proclaim by sanctioning rules from the lawmakers in order to make it a legislation necessity, the reusing process could increase. In this essay, I will explain although regulations are necessary, there are other ways to encounter the issue.
It has been frequently argued that youngsters who are able to communicate in more than one language from an early age have more benefits than others. I completely agree with the following statement and the same would be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
The internet makes people's life so convenient that they can get knowledge with a single click, that's why people think that in the forthcoming time, everything can be read online free of cost and they do not need to buy printed newspapers or books. However , I believe that online reading is a good source of course, but printed books/magazines have their own importance.
Nowadays, most people opt to give birth later in life. This paper will investigate the advantages and disadvantages of this topic.
There is a common argument that the extinction of wild animals is an arrangement of mother nature, and protecting them against disappearance is considered pointless. Therefore, humanity has no obligation to take the right actions to inhibit this occurrence. From my point of view, I am out of sympathy with this notion.
Nowadays, some people believe that scientific study needs to be led by the state. In this essay, I will explain why this is important and the advantages overshadow the drawbacks with some reasons.
These days some professional scholars think that all pupils are required to learn musical instruments. In my point of view, I strongly agree with the statement there are numerous benefits to learning music whereas this activity is not compulsory for everyone.
It is true, with the continuous development of the economy and education today, some people who cannot read and write have become a prominent problem. As a necessary skill in modern society, not being able to read and write will bring great obstacles and adverse effects on their employment and life, and the government should take more measures to solve these problems.
It has been frequently argued that the advancement of technology would become the cause of unemployment, whereas others assume that human beings would always play an essential role. In my perspective, no matter, what a plethora of innovations would have been done in the future human brain would always be significant.
There are numerous factors, such as hefty salaries, level of satisfaction at work, as well as helping each other, those increase in employers, so they can become more productive. In my perspective, indeed, it depends upon a person's attitude and his circumstances.
Schools do play an important part in a person's life. There are multiple opinions about the type of school which can provide children with better social skills for adult life. Both views accompany significant benefits for younger individuals, however, it is my personal belief that attending unisex universities is more beneficial for students.
Some people argue that the art artefacts could have been viewed through online networks, therefore, its exhibition venues may be no longer critical to them. I totally disagree, and my view will be explained in this essay.
It is often believed that nowadays, because of the rise in the population most of the individuals and their families are living in flats, where the indoor areas are less and, there are no private lawns. This essay will highlight the pros and cons of this evolution in living situations.
Some believe that poverty is the core cause of all the crimes people do, while others think it is not the main root cause of criminality. In my personal opinion, poverty may be one of the factors that push individuals to adopt bad behaviours, and in this essay I will explain why.
It is a fact that nowadays, there are so many parks and farmland that have been changed into residential areas. In my view, this should be perceived as a negative trend for two main reasons.
Nowadays, there is a conflict regarding artists' freedom of expression. Some sectors of society do not agree with the fact that artists express their thoughts through different artistic languages, believing that restrictions should be implemented by the government. In my opinion, I completely disagree as every person has the right to express their ideas freely and nobody, even the government, can stop it or ban it.
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