IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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There has been much debate revolving around the matter of whether universities should provide all students coming from all stratum of society with easier access to higher education would confer equality on all. From my perspective, facilitating further education is a worthwhile idea regardless of its detriments.
It is true that education has an indispensable role to play in the context of anthropological history. Hence, some public harbour a belief that inculcating an idea in children, which they can complete anything as long as working hard, is helpful for kids. However, this might take some bad influences. In this essay, I will explain the reason for both sides in detail in the ensuing paragraphs.
Nowadays, it is important to have a clear idea of what age we should call someone an adult. Although most countries consider a person should be eighteen years, some regions feel every child above fifteen years should start to live on their own. In my opinion, I feel until someone turns eighteen, it is important to live under their parents' guidance. We could witness in certain communities where parents push their kids to get married at early ages, similarly, some ask to take up a full-time job when they are teenagers. As a consequence, it could completely destroy their freedom and I will be elaborating on this topic with examples in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Gender equality in the working environment is a hot topic but also a controversial one in contemporary business discussions, and organisations are now implementing this in today's workplace. I sincerely think this is a step in the right direction. My essay hopefully would shed more light on the reasoning behind my choice.
There may be critical problems practically and socially if you have to live in a country where you need to talk a foreign tongue. Although this will leads to social isolation and linguistic challenges, these practical and social problems can be easily overcome with the new technology and technical devices. In my point of view, I disagree with this statement because I believe that people can adapt to communities with the help of technology.
Generally, the world's resources such as oil, forests and freshwater have been used in an enormous amount in recent years. The possible drawbacks that it brings are the risk of starving and global warming. Some ways to mitigate those risks will be suggested in this essay.
In today's fast-paced life, it is important to consider how much time we spend daily on our health. In some countries, many people have gained more weight quite recently and their fitness is in a state of dilemma. In this essay, I will discuss some reasons for it and ways to tackle such problems.
Tourism is one of the major aspects that boosts the economy as well as enables significant progress in the country. Surprisingly, due to the inappropriate behaviour of the travellers at the locations, people consider that tourism harms the nation. I will discuss the major causes of the problem and the key solutions in the forthcoming passages.
Most individuals hold the view that today we have the vast majority of options. I agree with this statement because people can choose different options due to the development of the industries and globalization of the world.
In this contemporary era, strata of the populace opine that the community ought to be solely accused of unacceptable doings around. This essay will expatiate on the factors responsible for unwanted societal activities as well as those responsible for them.
Due to the rapid development of technology and artificial intelligence, a greater number of robots replace humans’ positions in daily life. In the future, thanks to automation, the number of people who manipulate vehicles will decrease considerably. From my perspective, this phenomenon’s drawbacks are relinquished by its benefits due to more convenience and efficiency.
In the contemporary epoch, there is an irrefutable debate concerning the immigration of skilled workforces. A group of folk asserts that specialist graduates should be recruited in high-status positions in their country, whereas others opine that authority in determination should be considered to opt for territory being far more desirable for their job prospects. Although they are entitled to decide on the diverse aspects of their life privately, in my perspective, they should occupy in-demand careers in their countries and my reason will be elaborated on in the forthcoming paragraphs.
In recent years, home-based learning seems to be an alternative to institutions in many countries. Some people believe it facilitates children's development, others believe schools are the more appropriate place to learn. This essay will discuss both views and my opinion in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Rules are a part of the discipline, devised and imposed for the improvement of every individual. Parents and tutors are expected to be strict with the minors in adhering to the ground rules laid, while, the children who are not granted any space might be unable to tackle the problems they face in life. In my opinion, caregivers and teachers should play a vital role in disciplining the learners by making them follow the regulations, meanwhile, they should also prepare them to gain the courage in handling struggles in real situations. We will discuss both sides in the upcoming paragraphs and derive a conclusion.
In recent years, we are facing a large number of issues, due to the increasing population in megacities such as traffic and housing difficulties. As a result of that, one solution which was discovered is moving huge factories and companies far away from residential regions. There are two valid opinions on both sides, which I will consider in this essay.
There is a debate that individuals are starting to have illnesses due to their inactive way of living. This essay will discuss the competitiveness in society that affects someone's life. It will also go further to give solutions by giving flexible shifts for the employees to reduce their stress.
Travelling to different parts of the world is no longer considered an effective way to learn about different cultures since other platforms such as books, films, and the Internet can provide users with more convenient access. I strongly disagree with this point of view due to several reasons.
Health and fitness are vital factors in someone's life. A huge number of organizations offer their employees subscription membership to the gymnasium and sports clubs, believing that it will make their workers physically fit and more productive at the office. Some people argue that it can have some positive effects on their performance whereas others believe that it will not make any difference. This essay agrees that the provision of their employees subsidized membership in gyms and sports clubs is beneficial. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits it brings to the company and I will go further to discuss how its profits can be used elsewhere.
Nowadays, smoking is an addiction in society specifically in public places, such as restaurants and buildings. However, there are countries that allow this action in areas. By contrast, other countries have strict rules for smoking. In this essay, I will outline both sides and my view.
It is argued that music artists and painters are not highly regarded like scientists in this advanced era. This essay believes that a scientist cannot encourage the public on any particular thing and the state should promote art because it can make people creative.
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