IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Recently, some people claim that family members play a more important role than friends in life. However, I partly agree with this view as I think people can build up a firm stand through relatives while friends can be as important as family members to a certain extent.
Recently, the trend of committing crimes has been raised and people continue to break the law even after their sentences. I believe there are several reasons for people to offend and the governments can take certain actions to limit the problem.
Some people opine that uniforms must be worn by the personnel during the working period. Others argue that it's not necessary, it should be of their own accord. I am of the opinion that it is important to wear working outfits. In this essay I will discuss the reason for wearing an outfit is for easy identification and I will go further to discuss the uncomfortability it makes them feel.
Electronic devices make people work in their homes without tired.There are a lot of people who depend on technology to do their job, So in my opinion, if the person has the opportunity his function in the mansion instead of a company, he must choose it. The two characteristics of house working are brief afford and saving salary.
Education is a way to enhance human beings by teaching them how they can achieve their goals and pursue their dreams. Many people, however, think that the main benefit of schools is helping them to behave and work rightly. Conversely, others believe that education should teach people independency. In my opinion, although acquiring good manners and work experience would impact extremely positively on society, acquiring independence would also affect an individual’s life in a positive way.
It is often believed that our characteristics are inherited from our genes. I completely disaccord with this notion, only looks and some genetic diseases are inherited, and characters are mostly influenced by society,circumstances and education.
A few people feel that pupils should have a gap of a year before enrolling for university whilst others think it affects the syllabus. In this essay, I will explore both viewpoints and give my opinion with elaborations and illustrations. Firstly, I will discuss continuing the higher education programs immediately and moving forward, I will consider the second view affecting the learning of the students.
Many developing countries have attempted to accelerate their economic growth by pursuing integration into the global economy. In this contemporary epoch, globalization has been practised in different fields in the world. Therefore, I believe that the world being the same and interrelated has a positive impact on the economies and international markets, so I agree with this view. My contention will be further explained.
In recent times, a lot of awareness has been raised about issues related to pollution and deterioration of weather and the environment. There are many people who believe that a single person alone cannot do anything to affect the environment positively and that only large companies and ministries can make any noticeable impact. In this essay, I will argue that this is definitely not the case and that both parties can do a lot to contribute.
There are different types of people around the world. Some people prefer to do familiar work while others would like to explore new items very often such as visiting different tourist spots, and trying new recipes because it will give them an interesting experience. This essay will discuss both characters with suitable examples.
The adverts play a vital role while watching television. In fact, they are all around us. It has been observed that children are highly influenced by these. Many argue that parents need to satisfy their offspring's demands because of these commercials. In my viewpoint, I completely agree with this argument and will shed some light in the upcoming paragraphs.
Recently, the debate on whether taking risks can bring more good than harm to both a person’s professional and personal life has been heated. As far as I am concerned, whether taking risks can be beneficial should depend on the status of life.
In a globalised world, people are engaged in different occupations. Among them, some are considered powerful based on status and influential ability. Some may believe that officials who are appointed by people have the most influence, while others are not convinced. According to them, flocks who are contributing to science hold more power. Based on current evidence, I firmly agree that ministers have more domination over others. This essay will further elaborate on this headway with some relevant examples.
Some people argue that pursuit of competition is more important for students, while others express that interpersonal skills would much beneficial for them to be a better person in future. In my opinion, the encouragement of children to build up personal relationships has higher benefits. This essay will discuss both aspects before reaching a concrete decision.
In recent years, using computers has become a common daily activity for most people. However, it is argued that it has more negative effects than positive effects on people. This essay will explain several reasons why I completely disagree with the previous statement.
In the past decade, many individuals have been changing how they acquire products, as they prefer to buy online instead of visiting physical shops. While this new behaviour may have some advantages, there are several consequences that might be highly prejudicial to our society.
In this modern era, plenty of various businesses are affected by broadcasting;Moreover, they opt to consider their products new in several aspects while advertising.In this essay,the primary reason for this case called consumerism will be discussed;Furthermore,I will its downside.
In the last few years, there have been an increasing number of people who are opting to read electronic books over printed ones. In my opinion, the disadvantages of reading e-books rather than physical books outweigh its advantage and the following essay will discuss them both in detail.
Teenage is crucial to mould humans into whatever they will be in the future. However, they are mostly influenced by individuals of the same age in terms of behaviour, this is termed "peer pressure".In my ,opinion this trend has more negatives, rather than positives. The essay not only discusses its pros but also its cons, with explanations and examples.
Nowadays, a lot of people believe that children should read academic books because they can gain many beneficial skills. Others think that teenagers should be interested in other forms of books and parents believe that they can be more useful for their children. In my point of view is that in both ideas are accurate and also I will discuss each of them in this essay.
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