IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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A section of society holds a belief that cashless transaction has gained a lot of popularity among folks these days as compared to cash transaction. In my opinion, there are demerits and merits of utilizing this kind of platform.
Nowadays, the rapid expansion of tourism industries is being increasingly witnessed in most developing nations. In this essay, I shall discuss the main causes of this phenomenon and illustrate why it is beneficial to society.
A section of the society is of the view that authorities should provide free buses to provide a solution to the traffic problem.I totally concord with the opinion because public buses reduce the number of automobiles on the road and lessen environmental degradation.This essay will explain the reasons for my stances in the subsequent paragraphs with examples.
Having good health helps a person to perform their daily routine in a smooth manner. Although it is believed by a group of people that enhancing the number of sports facilities is one of the best ways to get better health condition,I firmly disagree with this idea. According to my opinion, public awareness and diet are more important rather than sports facilities for improving their health condition.
Nowadays, many countries in the world provide some regulations about how to manage the national budget to prevent any deficit or mitigate several circumstances, such as diseases, disasters, and other risks. Even though, some residents argue that is really important to maintain an allocation in the art sector. Meanwhile, health and education are still prioritized. In this essay, I will explain both these sides with reasonable arguments.
Currently, whether academic rewards should be given to good students or the students who have made a promotion has become a heated debate. For my part, although there are arguments supporting that the progress of recruitment should be concerned, I tend to believe that excellent students should be awarded.
Children experience many pressures in terms of study, society and commercials. This essay will discuss the problems associated with this trend along with the solutions in the subsequent paragraphs.
There is a growing trend of youth's preference to obtain their degrees in overseas institutions rather than in their own country as it used to be. This could be influenced by many varying factors which I will discuss extensively in this essay. Also, the major benefits and drawbacks will be explained.
It is commonly believed by some that the best pedagogy for teaching children is to focus on the results of final assessments. while some people agree that only the students having outstanding academic performances should be rewarded, others, however, hold a belief that juniors who improve themselves should be given priority to be honored. I agree with the previous opinion, and the arguments will be elucidated in this essay.
Few people have the opinion that phone discussions in open places should be prohibited while the majority believe there should be freedom of speech. In this essay, I will discuss extensively the pons and cons of each and my preference.
Many people believe that math has become non-crucial for working in various fields. I disagree with this fact because even though it might seem that we do not need it anymore, I think that it still remains an important subject to know in every situation.
Electronic news and modern technology will totally replace conventional newspapers and magazines as the world has become modern these days and people tend to get attached to modern stuff. I totally agree with this statement. Thus, I will explain some reasons.
Nowadays, human activities have various styles. For instance, one person is good, while the other ones do some worst attitudes, such as violation. Most of the residents have their perspectives that those scandals should be adjusted with absolute punishments. On the other hand, some people say that the type of sanction will be based on the reason. In this essay, I would like to explain those two sides from my views with some reasonable arguments.
Education is an indispensable part of human aspects. Many people feel that academic structure should focus on preparing students for future work while other people think it has other necessary benefits as well. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view and then give my own opinion on the matter.
Nowadays, most people are bustling with their life in the modern era - an era overate money. However, many people, especially adults still choose to live with my parents. This thing brings many advantages and drawbacks to everyone in social life.
In the contemporary epoch, there is an irrefutable debate concerning the impacts of experiences on an individual’s life in the future. A group of folk asserts that early years of life have far more influences on the fortune of people, whereas others opine that well-being stems from acquired experience during adolescence. Although the accomplishments of teenagers have crucial effects on their life, my perspective is procedures of behaving to them in childhood have an underlying role in their future life and my reason will be elaborated on in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Presently, the current working conditions are changing in various ways because there are so many influences having an impact on their working conditions. Therefore, now, people cannot put their own life only depending on taking one job for their time. In this essay, I will discuss the possible reasons for these variations and also give my suggestions on how they can prepare themselves for their duties in the following time.
In recent years, environmental degradation has become a great debate around the world. Some people believe that only rich counties should take up the responsibility for conserving the environment. However, I do not agree with this notion and the reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
It cannot be denied that parents' accompany is vital to the development of children, and some claim that families with young children should get allowances from the government. As far as I am concerned, such an idea has its advantages and disadvantages.
Nowadays helping other humans and countries ,who are poorer than themselves, became a new popular trend among young people even if this work is unpaid. This essay will discuss the reason for that fact and who has more advantages from volunteering.
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