IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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It is becoming a trend around the world, people visit the most hostile places around the world as they demand so much excitement in their lives. In this essay, I am going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such visits.
In recent years, fashion trend has evolved extensively across the globe. In earlier times, individuals desire to wear attires based on their tradition and culture; however, currently, the majority of people in the modern world consider modelling clothes that are identical. In my opinion, it is a positive transformation with significant reasons that will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.
Without a doubt, modern technology has transformed how we live nowadays. Teenagers, who mostly stay indoors these days, are dependent on electronic gadgets for their entertainment, I would argue that they should play outdoors sports rather than playing video games at home all day.
In recent years, musical performance has become a topic of interest. Many have held a view that modern performers should be better paid when compared to classical artists while others are strongly opposed to that idea. From my perspective, both mentioned groups need to be entitled to enjoy equal profits due to their significant contributions.
Nowadays sport is an essential activity for learning children's behaviours. Kids must have physical education in their school from an early age. This essay will discuss whether sports educate them to take part or to work as a team.
It is pivotal to confess that there are always ups and downs that occur in life. Some people believe that it is advantageous to admit hardship while others emphasise the significance of mitigating such circumstances and seeking ways to improve. Discussing both views, in my opinion seeking ways is the most preferable approach to cope with catastrophe.
Some want to change their environment and long for something new whereas others dislike such transition and hope for stabilized life. Personally, I am in favour of the opinion that seeking a shift has some positive influences on life since experiencing variation is an essential factor in the modern world in order to have success and be skilled in various genres.
Global warming has been considered the most effective issue in recent times by most people whilst others think that deforestation is impacting majorly on the environment. According to me, desertification is gradually creating differences in human livelihood over time. This essay will discuss both sides with relevant ideas.
A section of society is of the opinion that organisations have social duties in relation to the making of profit.I totally concord with this view because it is the responsibility of companies to build social amenities and create awareness.This essay will explain the reasons for my stances with examples in the subsequent paragraphs.
It is argued that some individuals have some natural talent such as for sports and music others do not, while others think that children can have good sportsmen and musical skills if they can be taught. This essay agrees with the latter point and will show that, although many people have some natural gifts and achieve success without any professional training, I believe that any child can acquire these skills with some professional training if a child has passion.
Nowadays, teaching history and art in school subjects has become a controversial issue, whilst proponents hold the view that including such subjects in the curriculum is crucial, opponents and I have diverse perspectives. However, I completely disagree with the proponents. My contention will be further explained.
There has been a controversy about whether a person's choice of clothes can tell a lot about his culture and character. I agree with this idea, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Currently, there is a common belief that it is necessary for people to take risks in professional areas and private areas. Whether this behaviour is beneficial has become a heated debate. For my part, despite some drawbacks relate to this action, there are actually more merits we can acquire from this.
Nowadays, knowledge has become important in every aspect of life. Nonetheless, various mediums have been invented so far to grab it. Despite that, it is generally argued that individual sessions have more significance, on the contrary, it is also claimed that group sessions are preferable. However, in the following paragraphs, I would shed light on both views before making a final note.
In order to discipline the children, sometimes you have to use physical punishment. Some believe that in certain situations parents should smack their children when they become totally out of control. In my opinion, I strongly disagree with the statement and the reasons for this will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is widely debated whether history should be the main subject of school courses syllabus or not. However,there are other people who agree that subjects related to science and technology should be paid more attention to than history. It seems to me that all fields of study are essential to learners. Both of these views and my reasons why I support such an opinion will be discussed in the following paragraphs before the conclusion is reached.
Having an exceedingly high income is assumed to be beneficial for the Nation by some individuals while others believe that it shouldn't exceed a certain point. I see eye to eye with the second opinion because a cleavage will be formed among citizens, which outweighs any advantages people with high salaries might offer.
It is true that knowledge is power and various medium of disseminating information have erupted to include the Internet, press and TV. While some people argued that media should be strictly limited, others believed it shouldn’t so as to allow its recipient access to information. This essay would discuss these two points of view.
When creating a new town as a project, it is important to add activities that individuals could enjoy. Some believe that it is important to have a sports complex and different types of parks rather than a shopping complex. In my perspective, although both of the ideas have their own advantages, I believe people will be more excited about the idea of building a complex and playgrounds.
It has been argued that people have different views about our reaction to a bad situation such as an unsatisfying career or not having enough money. While some individuals believe that the best way is accepting it, I hold the view that we should try hard to improve this issue.
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