IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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It is argued that globally, urban life quality is being eroded by the increase in traffic congestion.In my opinion,people succumbing to comfort is one of the main causative factors for this phenomenon,and societies and governments could take steps to mitigate the following issue.
In the modern day, there has been a lot of change in our way of life and these changes affect the most to school life of many students. For this problem, I will discuss with you the two sides that apply advantages and disadvantages to the situation.
At present, the constant search for new energy sources has been ever-rising as the population and consumption of fossil fuels are soaring. Developed countries today, to a greater extent, rely on nuclear power to fulfil their energy demands. While people consider this source inexpensive, high quality, and most significantly, a way to have national security, it cannot be overlooked that the demerits it brings with us are far more concerning. For instance, a threat to poor and under-developed countries. I strongly oppose this view of considering the pros of nuclear power important over its cons.
These days, there are different opinions about equality between women and men in occupations. While many people claim that the fields of police and military are less likely to be appropriate for women, I strongly hold that it should be equal to recruiting women for these jobs.
In the last few years, there has been an increasing number of people who are opting to read electronic books over printed ones. In my opinion, the disadvantages of reading e-books rather than physical books outweigh its advantage and the following essay will discuss them both in detail.
There has been increasing curiosity among people in various countries worldwide regarding the history of their homes. In this essay, the reasons for this occurrence will be discussed including methods on how people search for answers.
Even though increasingly computerized technology has made it a common way to understand every wording, learning any vocabulary from scratch is futile. This is something I completely agree with, and the importance of dialect learning is demonstrated in the following article with examples.
It is argued that promoting athletic products through commercials using popular athletes is more efficient than regular advertisements. In my opinion, I think that well-known sports players will highly influence the popularity of the product among different public sectors.
These days a lot of people are either resigning from their workplaces or just not interested in working for a company as they prefer to operate their own businesses. The reasons for this fast-growing option range from the insecurity and underpayment of salaried jobs to the desire to manage one's time. The demerits of this choice however are unsteady income flow and lack of access to funds, amongst others.
These days tourism is bigger than ever, and everyone has their own favourite tour style. Personally, I think it is a really great idea to travel with a partner. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
Several museums have an entrance fee while others allow the public to visit them free of charAlthough making money from visitors who are entering the museum benefits to make a fund for its maintenance of it, I believe that it is detrimental to poor people as they may not get chances to learn the historical values of their country.
Our Ecosystem consists of numerous components. Apparently, animals are considered to represent a substantial percentage of the environment. Some people claim that it is healthier for animals to remain in the jungle. While others believe that they must be kept in the zoo to facilitate further studies, and to protect them at the same time. In my opinion, I think that wild creatures who are about to extinct must be kept in the zoo, otherwise, they should enjoy their natural lives. However, human-friendly animals might stay in wildlife parks alongside their families.
As we are living in the technology era we can see giant technological companies have extended their product lines across the world and built different factories on most continents. This global expansion of manufacturing facilities has both advantages and disadvantages.
Music is indeed an ageless bridge amongst people of diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, social statuses and ages across the globe. I completely agree with the assertion that songs bring people together as it is not the language of any particular country or tribe but a universal one.
In recent years, there is a growing concern evolving around the wealth disparity. Some people believe the governments should crack down on the wealth class and give more consideration to the have-nots whereas others argue that the underprivileged groups are suffering because of their laziness. In this essay, I will elaborate on the root causes of such a phenomenon and its solutions.
The number of waste products is substantially increasing all over the world. However, most people lack the required consciousness to deal with this issue. It is argued that household waste materials are not recycled nor reused properly. Thus, the public authorities must take serious legal actions to alleviate the consequences. In my opinion, I believe that government should apply firm penalties, nevertheless, they should encourage people to make the best use of their used products.
It is indubitable that technology has been utilized legally and illegally to monitor individuals’ behaviour. Despite the fact that technology plays a vital role in solving the difficulties of human beings, the overuse of technology probably infringes human rights. In my opinion, I strongly suggest that the advantages are less than the disadvantages.
The population growth accelerates dramatically. Proportionally, the number of waste products around the globe relatively will affect the lifespan of the ecosystem. In this essay, I will demonstrate the reasons impacting the substantial increase in the garbage. Additionally, I will suggest some solutions for the governments to follow to alleviate this significant increase and support environmental survival.
A population of ageing people with issues of health conditions who prefer taking substitution medication rather than visiting their general practice doctor in primary care hospital. Alternative medicine has its benefits, but I would argue that it is a negative development.
It is true that commercial exhibitions have an indispensable role in contemporary society. Many people harbor a belief that advertising is a significant factor that appeals to people to purchase a company’s merchandise, whilst others hold the opposite viewpoint. From my perspective, I am inclined to stand with the position that it certainly convinces people to buy goods.
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