IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Spending a large amount of time on the phone is becoming commonplace for everyone,especially for young people.There could be several reasons for this,and I consider it to be a negative trend in a long run.
In an era of unstable economical status, the issue of salaries limit was always a problem that faces authorities. While in some nations limited numbers of citizens are earning a fantasy annual payment, others believe that authorities should have some control over wages, and I agree with them.
In recent years, there are various reachers and passengers who attractive to sightseeing wilderness or wilderness preserves, for example, the South pole. From my viewpoint, I will find out both advantages and disadvantages of this essay in the following paragraphs.
Due to the tourism industry expansion English is a widely spoken language in the world. Some show concern that this trend eventually would become the only dialect to communicate amongst nations. This essay will describe the benefits and drawbacks of using English as the only way to connect globally with suitable illustrations.
Arts is the soul of a country’s heritage. Some people support the government investing in arts, while others prefer it to be in essential areas such as health and education. In this essay I will discuss both sides and why I believe more funding should be on the latter.
Some would argue that children should be taught to become well mannered individuals in a s society by their parents, while others believe that it should be incorporated in school teaching because both parents are employed nowadays and does not have enough time to spend on children. I believe that a child should be taught about manners and etiquette by their parents starting from early childhood.
Nowadays, a large sum of games, ranging from simple dolls to complex electronic gadgets like video games, are provided for little ones by their parents. In this essay, I will discuss why providing children with a huge variety of toys will allow them to keep themselves entertained all the time, but why this can eventually in results them being overweight.
Nowadays, a significant amount of youngsters face a hurdle in learning some conventional subjects, notably, mathematics and philosophy. That’s why it is argued that such courses must be kept non-major instead of making it mandatory. I completely disagree with the experts because of two rock-solid reasons.
The cost of living is a diachronic issue for the citizens in several areas of the planet. It is widely observed in many places, kids hold an occupation for money. The issue of child employment is quite controversial with one side maintaining that situation is totally harmful, while opponents evaluate it as a positive working attribute. Personally, I stand for the former approach supporting non-child working exploitation but both sides will be discussed in this essay.
There is a controversial perspective heating up a debate over whether new buildings should be constructed using traditional patterns. While this statement is valid to some extent, I consider myself an opponent of this idea.
In the contemporary epoch, there is an irrefutable debate among folks that youngsters are facing challenges toward merging into society’s workforce. Explicitly, the insufficient knowledge taught by the schools and universities could be considered as the key limit for the young job-seekers. Fortunately, its devastating consequences could be combated triumphantly. This essay will elucidate the reasons for this phenomenon as well as solutions to tackle them.
Some people believe that these current days are a perfect time for the human race for living in comparison with another period of history. Although there are some concerns about the contemporary era, I completely agree with the statement. However, in my opinion, the globe will be more interesting in the future with further developments in technologies and science.
In this day and age, it is a common belief that increasing the costs of fuel has one of the solutions for traffic jams and air pollution. However, I firmly believe that the high price should not solve this problem. It has more negative effects rather than positive effects. This will discuss arguments to support concepts and other ways to solve these problems.
In recent times,the advancement in applied science has led to the betterment of people's lives. I totally agree with this statement, I will explain my reasons as I proceed with the essay.
It is argued that it is more beneficial to engage in team sports such as football. Other people, however, believe that it is better to participate in individuals sport like golf or tennis. I personally agree with the first group’s viewpoint.
The government is the biggest organisation in every country. They receive an income from a tax of society. The government can fund in various situations, whether in arts, music, and theatre. However, public services should be funded by the government instead. In my opinion, I totally agree with this argument. I will give an explanation below.
It is crystal clear that nowadays people are more interested in, immigrating to other countries. Due to the advent of technology, human have the opportunity to travel around the world and work. In this essay, I want to discuss both its advantages and disadvantages.
Nowadays, the health of employees has been receiving a great deal of public attention. Some people claim that focusing on health activities will be likely to enhance work performance. Others reckon that these activities do not bring any merits. Both views will be meticulously debated before giving my favour to the latter view.
Heavy growth in the population has become a serious issue around the world. It often leads to a shortage of natural resources. Even though it affected badly underdeveloped countries and progressive developing nations as well as industries. This essay elaborates on the problems caused by the huge population in the country and the appropriate solution to that.
It is fathomable that some inexperienced couples arrive at a decision to give birth late. While delaying their parenthood enables them to achieve a plethora of merits, however, the advantages are still outweighed by the disadvantages.
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