IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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People have different dispositions to the ugly circumstances they may face. While some argue that it is best to accept them, others think they should be improved on. I am of the opinion that no one should accept unpleasant situations but do all within their powers to make them better.
Numerous languages are about to vanish as they are likely to be spoken by minor communities. Some people argue that governments should participate in their revival using public income. While there are further opinions claiming that would result in substantial misspending. In my opinion, some languages like authentic ones might be important for the preservation of our culture. However, there should be a wise system while public authorities plan to enrich them.
People hold different opinions about what subjects undergraduates should learn at universities. While some people claim that students should be tasked with academic subjects such as science or technology, I still hold that they should be incentivized to study subjects they want to pursue.
Although one of the people’s goals is the achievement of a balance between their occupations and their social lives, it is challenging for the majority to maintain such a balance in both lives. This essay will discuss two main causes of this problem, including the long work hours and increased responsibilities at work. It will also discuss two possible solutions: prioritisation and organisation of their tasks.
In the past decades, the decrease and total disappearance of fauna and flora have never ceased to draw public attention and provoke debates. In the following essay, the causes of this phenomenon and their solutions will be thoroughly discussed.
Some people who are in the spotlight must be accountable for setting a good image in Infront of the world by possessing moral values. In this essay, I will explore the reasons and give examples for why I agree with this statement. Firstly, I will discuss famous people must have good behaviour and move forward, I will consider what will change for younger generations.
Though schoolwork is one of the most crucial elements for youngsters, it is hard for them to focus on their studies. This essay is going to explain the reasons behind it and put forward some probable solutions.
Newsletters and television headlines are one of the effortless modes of communication with the netizens. It is believed by a few public that when the news bearing pictorial data could be reached out to the audience better than those which do not. I partially agree with the aforementioned statement as displaying of the images should depend on the sensitivity of the information such as the details which require the countrymen's involvement could comprise pictorial representation. However, while illustrating any scandals, then it is unnecessary to do so.
Nowadays, It has been widely seen that the thinking behaviour of people is changing at a tremendous rate. Due to this, many people are willing to try new things, however, others want to stick to the things which they are doing in the past. This essay will shed light on both views in the upcoming paragraphs before stating any opinion on the given question.
It is argued that unhealthy cuisine and drinks that damage people's health should be banned. From my perspective, I partly agree with this statement and the following essay will discuss both pros and cons.
In this day and age, the business has attracted almost everyone. Most people have now decided to run their own business than work for a private firm or an organization. This essay will state the positive aspects of being self-employed and its possible drawbacks.
Some people think that it is rarely both viable and advantageous for a country to study tertiary education for a wide range of young people. In my point of view, I completely agree with this idea.
Some communities feel that social work should only benefit their own country whereas others think organizations must provide help to the needy of any nation. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and also give my opinion. Firstly, I will explore charity benefiting their home country people and moving forward, I will consider the other view.
Architectural advancements have progressed throughout the years. Nowadays, there are beliefs that infrastructures should be built based on functionality, however, some argue aesthetics should be in consideration. I belong to the latter. In this essay, both views will be discussed.
Many people prefer to start their own business instead of working under other companies or organisations. There are some reasons for doing own business and have some pros and cons of this development. This essay will discuss the reasons, advantages and disadvantages in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Arts, health and education are essential to a country. Some people support the government investing in skills, while others prefer it to be in crucial areas such as health and education. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and why I believe more funding should be on the latter.
Most people prefer towns and urban areas and some people think living in the countryside is better. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and also give examples. Firstly, I will explore the positives of living in a city and moving forward, I will consider why some adults think the village is the best place to live. reside
Owing to the problem is enhancing the number of environment that become huge issues these days.Many people believe that it should belong to the government's responsibility,while others claim that it is more people's side that has to take care of it.However, I personally agree with this issue requires assistance from both government and ordinary people and we will explain now.
Many individuals contend that students of varying levels of intelligence should be taught together, while, other sections of people argue that intelligent children should be educated separately. However, I believe in the initial one.This essay discusses both views with relevant explanations and examples.
Nowadays, friendly foreign affairs among different nations have become more crucial compared to the past because of a substantial increase in issues that impact the entire world. I completely agree with the notion due to two rock-solid reasons.
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