IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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Money, without a doubt, is extremely important, but people are chasing it at the stake of the things that bring true pleasure. Some believe wealth can buy happiness, while I disagree. In my opinion, it is vital to pay attention to the things that bring long-lasting joy, as well. In this essay, I will explain how having great wealth might make the public happy and will discuss other stuff that I consider far more important.
People now prefer to make a decision to eat nourishments which is good for their health and exercise on a regular basis. Society experiences this trend is due to a couple of reasons and there are a wealth of ways to make them eat healthily and exercise.
Sport is one of the popular activities all over the world. Many contestants also represent their existence through endorsement in advertisements which are related to their attributes in the competition and exercises. Their countries are also proud of these trends because the sale of brands will lead to economic growth. In this essay, I will explain some benefits and negative impacts of these trends.
In the contemporary epoch, there is an irrefutable debate concerning the health of foods and drinks. A group of folk opines that governments should inspect the quality of the nourishment and deter from purchasing any kinds of pernicious meals in the supermarkets. In my perspective, this scheme is critical for society and my reason will be elaborated on in the forthcoming paragraphs.
It is believed that in a household both spouses have to gain income to fulfil their necessities on a daily basis. Even though it could be useful for them to encourage their creativity and innovation as well as a guarantee during the marriage, I argue that it should not be an obligation for wives due to their chores at home.
Recently, the detrimental influence of packaged food has been widely acknowledged, a plethora of man-made edible items consist mainly of sugary ingredients which pose a threat to national health; therefore, an increase in the price of these items can be a panacea for this problem in order to motivate the public to curb their consumption. I am in agreement with this notion. In the following essay, the evidence that substantiates my claims will be further scrutinized.
There is a fact that a large number of time teenagers will spend on their smartphones in their daily life. There are various reasons why children are addicted to scrolling on their phones, and I believe there are more drawbacks than benefits.
These days, many people think that advanced-skill individuals, for instance, doctors and engineers, should be compulsory to operate in the nation where they got the training, while others and I disagree with the idea and believe that they should have the freedom to practice in the country they want. In the following paragraph, both of these viewpoints will be discussed in detail before the conclusion is reached.
In recent times, some individuals believe that an international event has a lot of benefits, while others think it has more drawbacks rather than benefits. This essay will shed light on both points of view.
A few communities feel speaking is more dominating than writing skills. In this essay, I will give reasons and examples for why I disagree with the statement. Firstly, I will explore the advantages of written communication and further, I will discuss people's opinions on spoken communication.
There has been a controversy about whether professional sportsmen's behaviour on and off the playing fields is not important as long as they are good players. I think their behaviour is also vital, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
There has been a controversy about whether the most important things in life are free. I would say yes, and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
It is argued that in order to fix traffic and transport circumstances, humans should promote to live in cities rather than in suburbs or in the countryside. In my opinion, I disagree that people better life in cities rather than in the countryside. Although many people are going to cities from the countryside by private car because of work, there are some clues to fix such us improving transportation facilities and group travelling.
Many communities believe that the nation has to keep a small portion of annual financial aid aside because spending more on well-being education makes sense. In this essay, I will give reasons and examples for why I agree with this statement. Firstly, I will explore the advantages of budgeting finance for well-being measures and further, I will discuss, how people will benefit by learning about health.
Sports play an indispensable role in the life of every individual. It is believed by many people that the behaviour of sportspersons does not matter at all if they are well experienced in their field whilst some are against this. This essay will shed light on it in the upcoming paragraphs before stating any opinion on it.
It is true that the young generations are altering their job more often in recent years. There is serval of possible reasons for this, and I believe changing jobs frequently has more drawbacks than benefits.
In the modern era of globalization, intelligent equipment has been invented in many aspects, particularly in accommodations such as refrigerators and washing engines. From my point of view, this statement offers both negative and positive effects.
Many people maintain that it is severe problem that youth can not concentrate in class. In my opinion, not only using a smartphone in the wrong way but also their disordered life in the house could be the main cause.
while some humans believe the stars are paid too much cash for their jobs and art , other folks and some experts think is not true.To be honest I do not agree but let me discuss this subject in the next paragraph.
In this contemporary era, migration to developed countries is one of the popular things among families, who are living in developing countries. There are a good few problems they will face with them, such as culture shock, anxiety, disability to good communication with a native population, due to lack of inadequate speech skills , etc. therefore, going abroad has a number of disadvantages. This article has been written to discuss the influences of accent.
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