IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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It is common these days that every person is suffering from some kind of health ailment. It has been widely observed that in the recent era, a growing number of people who are suffering from any health disorder are taking medications on their own rather than visiting the doctor. This essay will shed light on whether it is a beneficial or harmful advancement in the upcoming paragraphs.
Advancements in technologies have opened up new avenues in the cooperative world. New businesses are demanding young workers to start their careers at an entry level and providing opportunities to go up in the hierarchy. Hence, finding enjoyment at work is vital for a healthy work-life. This essay will further elaborate on this headway with some relevant examples.
Many people assume that there are fewer young generations who live in rural areas to do agricultural work than they may be. Society experiences this trend due to a couple of difficulties in rural regions and I advocate that young generations should challenge themselves in city surroundings for some advantages
There are opposing views about the purpose of learning a foreign language in addition to the mother tongue. While many people believe that there is only one reason to learn a foreign language which is to travel and live abroad, I, personally, think that there are many reasons to learn another language.
Music indeed plays a vital role in our country, from the eclectic dangdut to the softness of jazz with saxophone. Hence, it has influenced, inspired, and developed a lot of new ideas regardless they had a connection with music or not. Therefore, I agree that music plays a vital role culturally in our country.
In many nations, children are involved in various types of employment. Some people think this is utterly wrong but others believe that it is a beneficial work experience. Although its effect on their education, I believe that working at a young age can enhance a person's character.
While some people argue that technology made shopping easy and hassle-free, some individuals think it has not no produced the intended result. I want to discuss both views in my following essay.
In recent years, the development of mass transit has never failed to draw public attention. Many hold a view that governments should spend budgets on the construction of cutting-edge transport while the counterargument is that the augmentation of current public vehicles is more important. Personally, I believe governments should make decisions based on specific circumstances.
Some people think that having a set retirement age is unfair and certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age. Although, the set retirement age is made from a perspective of maximum age people could still work in a good performance, but this will deny that some types of work are more demanding than others. Therefore, I agree that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier age.
Some people claim that anyone can become a good teacher by learning through a good training course. Although a nice training class can, without doubt, make a great educator, the best course cannot turn them slightly better from what they currently are, such as people who have disabilities or people who are not compatible with certain things. As a result, I strongly disagree that anyone can be a good teacher with a good training program.
Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly growing.This essay will discuss the main reasons for this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the issue.
It seems that people are spending less time with each other in reality and the tradition of having meals together has disappeared. In my opinion, there are several reasons why this is the case and this phenomenon may result in certain undesirable outcomes.
It is widely believed that universities are responsible to give knowledge and skills obligated for future jobs. However, there is another group of people who consider that higher education's purpose is giving knowledge needed for students but not for employers. To my mind, universities are supposed to do both: provide appropriate soft skills and teach paramount classes for a workplace. In this essay, I will elaborate on what should be included in a higher education program.
It is clear that in this modern age the use of online applications has made our life easier. Like every other thing, it comes with a set of advantages and disadvantages. I feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. This essay will elaborate on both sides and I will support my view with examples.
Many people claim that giving chance for kids to make their selections on daily matters will lead society to think about their own wishes. Some are in the opposite opinion, such that it is beneficial for children to be self-autonomy. I wholeheartedly believe that these trends should be changed.
There has been controversy about whether borrowing extra credits from banks or other institutions are beneficial than drawbacks. I completely agree with this notion unless the borrower does not manage it effectively.
In the modern world, watching online movies is dramatically increasing. This trend has a lot of effects. Declining going to the cinema or theatre is the first and foremost impact, which this essay will demonstrate the pros and cons of these in detail.
It is widely acknowledged that businesses are no longer merely for-profit organisations; meanwhile, it has been anticipated to shoulder some social responsibilities as well. I firmly concur with such an opinion for the following reasons.
It is generally known that in some countries, the residents prefer to purchase a house instead of renting one for their accommodation and it is truly indispensable and the strongest quest for them. There are several particular reasons behind this preference and I genuinely advocate that it is largely positive because this can save money and lead to an enjoyable family in the long run.
According to some individuals, being rich is only the main cause of happiness. There are many reasons which make people happy when they have a lot of capital. however, there are other things as well that can give happiness. In the below essay
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