IELTS Writing Samples Band 8

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In recent years, many populations have been focused on investigating the past of their residents. This essay will discuss why people like to discover the mansion they live in and how society finds the information in regard to the past.
Opinion differs regarding global news if it is beneficial to be in the schools’ curriculum or it is a waste worthy schooling time, some controversy. This essay discusses both perspectives and why I believe including world news as a subject in schools is a progressive trend.
It is true that at present, most business advertisements underscore that their commodities are new in some respect.There could be several reasons behind this but in my opinion, a highly competitive modern market is the reason and I think it is a mostly positive development.
Nowadays, the ratio of employed people who suffer from different health-related issues is increasing faster than ever and their general health condition is deteriorating. Such a cataclysm has stemmed from work pressure, lack of physical exercise and dependency on machines to do our work. Exercise, encouragement from the employer and the government to do workouts, and finally, a balanced diet are the solutions to this problem.
The public transport infrastructure showcases the development of the country. Certain people all around the world believe that it is beneficial to construct a new railway line for fast inter-city trains and few of them argue in opposite such that better to spend money on the development of existing public transportation. This essay will discuss spending more money on the construction of new intercity trains will be much more beneficial than the development of existing public transportation.
It could be argued that impoverished regions across the globe should be considered when natural catastrophes happen by particularly prosperous nations with providing diverse humanitarian relief. However, this essay discusses what I firmly agree with this statement because of the high strength and ability of affluent nations and inexperience to face these crises in poor areas.
Many hold a view that fossil fuels need to be replaced by nature energy. From my perspective, this tendency is totally positive.
Global environmental issues have become pervasive concerns for all nations. Although many believe that government is responsible for tackling these problems, others argue that individuals should contribute to reducing environmental damage. In this essay, I will explain why I partially agree that government should resolve the environmental problems and that each individual may help state authorities in achieving this goal by changing their mindsets.
In many regions, it is common to believe that humans are threatening the environment. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem along with some viable solutions to it.
So advanced have technologies become in the fields of communication and transport industries, People from certain parts of the world are now able to choose to live and work anywhere they want. While this decision can have some deleterious impacts, I feel that they are outstripped by the potential benefits.
In many families throughout the world, it is common that parents often tell their children to work hard to get to their dream goals. Due to this way of thinking, it can benefit their children to be persistent as well as adapt to the idea of practice makes perfect. On the contrary, they may experience extreme stress that can affect their health. Regarding such a practice, there are both benefits and drawbacks.
Orthodox medicines are losing their popularity. In this contemporary era, the majority of individuals with health challenges are opting for traditional medicines rather than visiting their physician. I believe this practice is causing problems to people's health which will be discussed in this essay.
The younger generation has obtained certain knowledge and skills with the technology development compared to the elder generation.I strongly agree with this and will explain the facts in this essay.
It could be argued that impoverished regions across the globe should be considered when natural catastrophes happen by particularly prosperous nations with provide diverse humanitarian relief. However, this essay discusses what I firmly agree with this statement because of the high strength and ability of affluent nations and inexperience to face these crises in poor areas.
The world is changing fast as their daily routines are also changing fastly. Some people think that changes are necessary for our day-to-day life others believe that one should live life doing the same things and that changes should be avoided. I personally believe that change is necessary for our lives. This essay will discuss both viewpoints in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Some institutes found that females are likely to choose art while males prefer science subjects. There are many reasons for this trend but the most popular one would be human nature. To illustrate this, it means girls usually use their feeling in daily life while boys tend to use more brains on a daily basis. This trend shouldn't be changed forcefully .
In different countries around the world, many youngsters in secondary schools are not able to control their financial budgets in good ways. There are some reasons leading to this situation, but certain measures can be taken to alleviate this problem.
There is no doubt that in this contemporary era many developments have occurred in transportation. The question is, should wages be spent on new train railways or to fix current public transport? I personally believe that money should be invested to build new train lines. In the forthcoming ,paragraphs I am going to discuss both opinions and explain my own.
In the salad days of the millennium, people have always been learning from the doings of others. It is a common fact that humans often adopt the habits and lifestyles of each other in order to change and improve themselves. However, it is generally believed that the increasing fame of dressing styles and other commodities demonstrates that they are being copied by societies. I totally agree with this statement and in the following paragraphs, I would shed light on numerous reasons to support my perspective.
Accepting uncertainty is essential on both sides of people's lives. Those sides are their works and personal lives. Taking risks has benefits for people like getting higher job positions and improving skills but it has some drawbacks which will be discussed in this essay.
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