IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Advancement in technologies is not only automating the process but also replacing the physical attributes. Society is leaning more towards digital information. With this in mind, the following essay discusses both the reasons for one's interest in ebooks and the possible adversities it brings to available physical space to read.
These days, immigration has been a remarkable issue bringing a large number of negative effects on the community in general. There are 2 prime causes leading to unstable society all over the world and I will explain them below.
One cannot let go of the fact that species are getting endangered day by day. There are hundreds of living creatures that are being wiped out from the country every year. It is terrific to imagine a day, where there are no species left, as we ourselves are creating one such situation. In this essay, I shall explain the reasons for the species becoming extinct and also the possible solutions or efforts we can put to save our universe.
Most students suffer from a lack of concentration at school these days. Electronic beams coming from electronic devices are one of the primary causes of this issue. This problem can be solved by increasing the students' awareness about the negative impact of using these devices for a long time on their mental abilities.
It can not be denied that many students’ concentration times have lessened. I have the belief that this stems from opportunities coming from the modern era, but it can be eliminated via straightforward measures.
In several countries, many people are interested in knowing the history of their home or accommodation. In this essay, I will discuss the reason for the matter and express my opinion on the trend. Firstly, I will discuss that why the public likes to know about their lodging before buying it and secondly, I will explore how humans can investigate it.
In recent years factoring raised every country produced their product to other nations.However, factories give a lot of plastic products that do not recycle and harm nature.Society needs to diminish it.This essay will consider the main cause of unrecycled items which harms nature, before proposing two possible solutions.
There is no doubt that colours can have a significant effect on how people feel, and this had been confirmed by many psychologists. Therefore, many people have been taking into considerations when choosing their colour combinations to decorate different places. This statement is highly credible, also colour can have an imense effect on people's overall health and their quality of work.
Nowadays, CCTV cameras have been used for the express purpose of security. In many metropolitans,areas surveillance cameras are on increased to serve as a tool to reduce crime. However, some argued that these encroach upon the public’s liberty. The use of such cameras can result in such minor problems but these problems could be overcome by following proper rules and regulations, and in a broader vision these devices are more fruitful for the public.
It is popularly known by people that addictive behaviour such as smoking is harmful and considered a dangerous risk factor for health. However, yet those dangers, many people are being adapted to this habit continuously. There are many causes of this habit which can be reduced by taking some immediate and effective steps. In this essay, both issues will be discussed.
Children are the future of the country. But nowadays, children seem to be enjoying other activities rather than reading books.Let's discuss the specific reasons and some solutions for overcoming the problems.
In this era of modernization , recycling our own waste is a common practice in many countries. However many nations are not following this procedure in their garbage management system.There are several reasons behind it and this essay discuss the same and suggests possible solutions to the problem.
Nowadays, people in some countries show increasing interest in digging up about the history of the house or building they live in. I believe that seeking for their origin and the historical values of buildings are two main reasons and there are plenty of ways can help people do their researches.
The rate of crime committed by juveniles has indeed increased at an alarming percentage in many countries. Especially, in the third world countries, and as they are an increase in the crime quota over these areas a lot of problems are being caused. Below I am going to state a few of the possible reasons why such juvenile felonies are being committed and how the standard of this delinquency can be reduced by following certain solutions.
Criminals engaging in criminal activities after getting released from the prison is an increasing problem. This essay will discuss major causes along with some pragmatic solution to sort it out.
It is common practice that many citizens are spending less and less time at their home. The essay will discuss the reason behind this problem and the effects of this trend.
It has been noticed that more and more youth move from bucolic areas to the cities. I think that this phenomenon has some reasons and this is not so beneficial in a long-term perspective.
These days, there are a variety of ways to commute, have a journey and transport in the city. The number of people using their own cars is rising continually. Although because of bad quality and pricey fare people use private cars, the government can encourage people to use public transportation by culturalization and enhancing their modality .
It is not a secret that we live in an era of abundance and excessive expenditure. We are surrounded by hundreds and even thousands of items that we use in everyday life and most of them we need only once. moulded bottles and dishes, packaging, disposable syringes, razors, pens and many others. On a planetary scale, this headlong consumption of elastic items is leading to a major environmental disaster.
Downloading verified music and books from the internet has long been free and available for every Internet user. However, I don’t think this is a positive development as while it gives us the chance to enjoy reading and listening entertainingly without paying, we are abusing the authors and the composers’ intellectual property.
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