IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The advent of technology has made our life hassle-free in every aspect. Although many people argue this by saying that instead it has reversed the trend and made it horrible. I wholeheartedly disagree with this and in this essay, I will support my views with examples.
Many individuals do not work out or play, any sports due to a busy schedule or despite having time. Lack of exercise results in many problems related to mental and physical health. In this essay, I will analyse and discuss the reasons and possible solutions to overcome these issues.
Some claim that individuals are getting sick by the amount of time wasted using the Wi-Fi. The paragraphs below will discuss the reasons behind this trend and the possible negative outcomes towards the person's well-being.
Many businesses have discovered that new employees often lack communication skills. This can be attributed to an excessive focus on professional skills in college and a weak foundation in the language since childhood. These issues can be resolved through extensive reforms in the education system.
In this industrial world, many people are on the front to damage the environment and cause climate change through their activities. These activities like polluting air and cutting down of trees have led to a rise in temperature and this can be reduced to some extent. This essay will explain those causes in detail along with the ways to handle these issues.
Nowadays, with the advantages of technology, people shifted their lifestyle to accommodate this busy fast-moving world.Moreover, with the help of newly invented tools and methods, food has been prepared easily and swiftly ever than before. Has this improvement done more good or more harm?. We will examine this in the following essay.
It is beyond doubt that the environment is no longer safe as the number of menaces inclined compared to the past. Everyone understand environment play a part and parcel role in our life. In spite of this, most of the persons does not care about the atmosphere. different people have their direct mindset. The subsequent paragraphs would elucidate appropriate approaches to save the environment and experiences.
In the globalization era, the usage of the internet is constantly on the rise. Because of this, several individuals tend to avoid a hospital and solve their fitness problems by searching for some advice. In this essay, the causes and the effects of this issue will be presented before the conclusion is reached.
Different people have different goals. While to some money gives joy to the rest, spending quality time with their family and self-improvement does. This decision is not necessarily to be based on reasons but should depend on the individual's thought process. I see the difference of opinion as a healthy argument. In the following essay, I will write on when and why people make varied choices in picking their lifestyle.
Recent years have witnessed an enormous growth of employees who work from home using computers and the Internet. Whereas some argue that it is conducive to people's productivity, opponents disagree. This essay will illustrate the merits and demerits of this new working style.
In many countries it is argued that if parents teach to their children , it would be more profitable. This idea is thought as a demerit . In the following essay ,the reason for this opinion and and seeming it as a negative point will be discussed .
The number of zoos erected in the past decade has increased significantly causing poachers to bring more species out of their habitat than before to an artificial environment where humans can observe and study them. In 2019, the Singapore zoo brought in more than 200 different animals from all over the world for its visitors to see. Whether or not zoos are both entertaining and educational while remaining ecologically relevant is up for debate and will be discussed in this essay.
It is often practised in certain parts of the world that teenagers tend to decide to live separately with their friends rather than guardians after studies. Considering the benefits such as being more authoritative and have up to date knowledge, I find this change to be a positive development.
Fashion is one of the most highlighted scenarios in today’s generation. Nowadays, many individuals are purchasing garments that are in trend. This has both pros and cons on the society as it will increase the revenue of the nation, but will also impact young people mentality. This essay will illustrate the details.
Nowadays, purchasing products such as books, tickets and groceries online become a trend. In my opinion, it has many advantages which outweigh the disadvantages of e-shopping. This essay will discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Humans being a sociable creature. Recently, social media, as a new invention, totally alternated family and friends relationship as a result of modern lifestyle. I believe this change has many positive effects on humans, so my reasons will be elaborated on in the following essay.
These days as countries across the globe are experiencing significant changes, it is predicted that in the next decade they will be coping with problems not only pertaining to environmental disasters but also educational and demographic issues. This essay shall discuss solutions to the problems and provide relevant examples.
Nevertheless, one of the biggest merits of using the Internet is that people can buy everything. For example, they are able to do their shopping for books, air tickets or even groceries, there are some drawbacks that I will discuss about them.
In some countries, natural resources are preserved well by local government and community. Unfortunately in other areas, it is started the building houses and major facilities.
I know in most of the European countries they will ask children to start working after the age of 11. But In the same region, few nations do not agree with the statement. I will put my comments on this and explain why schooling is more important rather than, working in the early stage.
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