IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Over the past few years, different levels of autonomous vehicles have become popular, and I strongly believe the number of self-driving cars tends to increase considerably in the nearby future. In this essay, I am going to explain why I presume technological development involved in self-driving cars can provide more safety and efficacy, converting them into an attractive mode of transport for all users.
Exercise is one of the most crucial parts of people's lives. However, people ignore doing exercise due to several reasons. This essay will examine why people do not do physical activities and how to persuade them to do.
Many individuals devote themselves to their work without any point for leisure activities.On the one hand, the main advantages of this phenomenon are making enough budget to meet the needs of life and improving in an assignment situation. On the other hand, the most essential disadvantages are not having enough days to spend with our family and physical disorders such as backache. Acknowledging that there are benefits, this essay will argue that the negative aspects outweigh the positive aspects.
lack of enough sleeping time has become a common problem in modern society. It is very much important to discuss, how to avoid this matter,due to its serious consequences.
The given topic is highly controversial . However , if a glance is taken at the pros and cons of this aspect , It is irrefutable to say that there are many negative effects on the masses . So , I perceive that it is a negative development on nation and culture and I hereby give the following arguments to support myself.
Nowadays, taking a year out to live or study abroad is becoming increasingly popular. For many people, especially young adults, the chance to spend an extended period overseas is an attractive one. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why moving abroad is so popular and some of the challenges to be overcome.
In certain countries, a plethora of people are preferred to gather information tremendously about the history of the houses which they are living in. Because they want to protect their family culture and valuables when they are living in their ancestral homes. And also, they want to get proper details about their living area because it may help to solve some legal problems. Therefore, individuals can find these details from their ancestors, some media coverage and following some legal documents . Therefore, I strongly agree with the above statement.
Teachers are continuously observing that their children’s are not paying the needed attention and concentration during the study time.This essay will examine the reasons for this and also suggests suitable solutions.
In few countries children are given very stern guides of conduct, whereas children in other countries are given the freedom to act anyhow they like. In my opinion, children should adhere to the rules to the point where they are able to make wise decisions on their own, and with little supervision.
In recent times it’s easier to find people that, even though they are struggling financially or are already in debt, continue to spend money to buy things that are not necessary. If you analyse the reasons behind this type of choice, it can be seen that it’s mostly due to psychological factors. Because of that, there’s a need for projects that could raise awareness on this matter.
With the rapid growth in technology, the world has come a long way in terms of robots and their use in automation. It has been envisioned that if this field keeps on growing at the same pace then the future generation will live a prosperous and happy life as they will not need to be involved in any tedious work. This indeed will be a boon and also bring infinite benefits.
Nowadays, the majority of workers face several health-related issues due to a lack of exercise. While the prie reasons for this are work pressure and addiction to the technology, viable solutions would be encouraging employees to do workouts at the workplace and arranging awareness programmes to educate people.
Generally, most of motorists break traffic rules, in result of lack of education and high-level-curruption. In order to ecourage individuals to respect the laws, government pay an important role in this issuse.
We live in an age when many of us are dwelling in our working hours too much. Particularly, people who had a high status of their renowned usually find themselves diving in their endeavour. Consequently, how many points they can spend time concerning about their surrounding people and themselves? Unfortunately, they are standing out of the “work-life balance”, which is a conception of many advisors for attaining a healthy lifestyle. This essay is an exploration of the reason why some people are choosing to follow that. And I believe that people should try to maintain the appropriate distribution to their social activity and job.
These days, many companies either private or public organizations have a working tradition to encourage their officers to wear a uniform. In my opinion, employees should wear the uniform at least once a week, and wear independently any of formal clothes on other days. In this essay, I will explore benefits and drawbacks of using a uniform at an office, and provide my idea toward the statement.
In this present world,work is the most important part of our life because money is an important role for their children. The number of families that is both mom and dad working is constantly on a rise. So, parents can not keep in touch with children and as a result ,yong people get negativity effects. The reason and cause will be thoroughly analysed and explained in this essay before drawing a reasoned conclusion.
Nowadays fashion is one of the major things people are concerned about. In many countries people tend to buy clothes or choose hairstyles according to the latest fashion. This is happening because of the need for the younger generations to be in trend always. This is definitely a positive development as there are many advantages of being trendy.
It is believed that labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and intercommunication equipment such as mobiles are made lives easier. Though, a group of thinkers find it hard while others taking the advantage of the device. This essay will have a valid and unique reason with the appropriate examples in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, the advancements in technologies lead to the fact that people are exposed to them more. Even children have access to computers and the Internet on a daily basis. In this essay, I will explain why I think this is a negative tendency, which might result in many aspects of children’s lives.
These days, the number of criminal cases among adolescences has increasingly logged in numerous cities globally amid an increase in illegal drug, and weak regulations. In this essay, I will explore the causes of the drastic augmention in teenage crimes, and provide promising remedies in order to minimize criminal levels in the young.
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