IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The majority of people are gaining interest in the historical part of their living premises in some countries. The reasons for that can be about the increased amounts of mystical movies and just for the safety purposes. In present, the internet is getting more advanced and a lot of people are negotiating with each other more closely which facilitates research. The essay will discuss these points thoroughly.
In recent years, Many people especially Europian are becoming interested in Knowing about their building or house’s history. Although it was not common a couple of years ago, there are some well-known cases of this trend and also there are some solutions to find prepor information.
A number of people believed that's cities life have more problems as compare to rural. I think the local city council have to have to expand their city area rather than tell people to move outside of the city.
Health is the most important factor in our everyday routine. Many governments of different parts of the world, play vital a role to make improve public health in society. Some people arguing, the best way to improve public health is by growing the amount of physical sports facilities. On the other hand, some are suggesting that required improving on the other factors in order to make general well-being of society. This essay will explore both views and then will suggest one of the best strategies to increase health indicators.
High employment rates are so high nowadays, especially in the rural area. Young people from rual areas are willing to move and look for more opportunities in the big cities, whether to work or to study. There are vary reasons behind this but in my opinion, I totally agree young people should explore outside world more and learn as much as they can in the big cities.
It is often said that prep schools are a good deal with children. However, it might have some bad effects on children. This essay will discuss the debate and give a concluding view.
The study is one of the most crucial parts of people's lives. If a question about learning a second language is addressed, it will be challenging for us to make a decision on this controversial issue. Some people are firm believers in learning for working and travelling. Others, however, have always shown intense devotion to several benefits. This essay will discuss both points of view.
We live in 21 century and today humanity has achieved an incredibly high technological level. Smart devices came into our lives: smartphones, clocks, kitchen’s devices - everything is smart now. But the most important part - all those things gather data about users. This is the way we all are being monitored 24 hours a day. That's why scientists call current time the era of information. The current essay discusses the influence of today's situation about living in the world, where one doesn't have a chance to keep secrets anymore.
School plays an important role in the development of children's moral values and raising the children towards the brighter future aspects. It is believed that kids find it tough to focus on their studies during school. This essay will illustrate the causes and the solution to their difficulties.
It is undeniable that the health care system is one of the most important criteria to determine the development of one country. However, especially in developed countries, the better this system is, the more the general standard of physical health declines. This essay will discuss the potential causes and predict some long-term effects that the decrease in general health might have on a country.
In recent years, the issue of an immigration of a young generation to metropolis has attracted people’s attention. Some experts believe that capital cities provide abundant job opportunities, comparing to living in suburb areas, while others oppose that this development is likely to contribute negative outcomes in plentiful ways. In this essay, there could be a variety of reasons for this, and I am convinced that this trend has a great number of demerits.
There is a drastic, increase in the crime rate during the past two decades. The causes and the solutions of such activities will be illustrated in the below paragraphs.
It cannot be denied that our ways of life are changing from the past. These days, the number of fat children are soaring levels in many countries. This essay will discuss the roots of this problem and present possible effective solutions.
In the contemporary era, youngsters are willing to experience adventurous life apart from high school and studies. Immediately after completing schooling students are taking time off from studies and are
In today's modern world, the public transport has become a crucial part of people's lives who commute from one place to other for their work. Some argue that the government should spend the exorbitant amount of money on constructing new railway lines while others support for improving the existing public transport. in my opinion, an improvement of current transport is more advantageous than the construction of new railways. This essay will argue the same.
Many elderly people today neglect recommendations from doctors and spend minimal effort doing exercise. In my opinion, this notion stems from their past upbringing and the best reforms concern augmenting existing remedies.
Currently is well know that a huge number of students are struggling to remain interested in their classes at school. There are several reasons why it is hard to attend the lectures. They often complain that the majority of classes are uninteresting. In this context, it is crucial to understand what the causes of this dilemma are and solutions that should be implemented to deal with this matter.
Many people pass their adult life majorly at the job, Job satisfaction is an important criteria for everyone's wellbeing. There are factors that satisfy this and if the work happiness is realistic for all the employees. Will be illustrated below with suitable examples.
It is true that in recent years, youngsters in developed countries are spending their time doing voluntary work in less developed nations. There are some reasons behind this tendency, and both local communities and these young people are benefiting from this.
Over the last few years, obesity has become a serious problem. These days, obesity affects an increasing number of both kids and mature people. Causes of overweight must be considered and addressed effectively; otherwise, societies will suffer from even greater health problems. In this essay, I will look at the causes of this issue and make some suggestions about how to tackle it.
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