IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Many elderly people today neglect recommendations from doctors and spend minimal effort doing exercise. In my opinion, this notion stems from their past upbringing and the best reforms concern augmenting existing remedies.
Currently is well know that a huge number of students are struggling to remain interested in their classes at school. There are several reasons why it is hard to attend the lectures. They often complain that the majority of classes are uninteresting. In this context, it is crucial to understand what the causes of this dilemma are and solutions that should be implemented to deal with this matter.
Many people pass their adult life majorly at the job, Job satisfaction is an important criteria for everyone's wellbeing. There are factors that satisfy this and if the work happiness is realistic for all the employees. Will be illustrated below with suitable examples.
It is true that in recent years, youngsters in developed countries are spending their time doing voluntary work in less developed nations. There are some reasons behind this tendency, and both local communities and these young people are benefiting from this.
Over the last few years, obesity has become a serious problem. These days, obesity affects an increasing number of both kids and mature people. Causes of overweight must be considered and addressed effectively; otherwise, societies will suffer from even greater health problems. In this essay, I will look at the causes of this issue and make some suggestions about how to tackle it.
History can keep it all resources been existed and existing. most of the people are interested to find out the history of their residents. The following essay will showcase the reason behind this as well as how the community research it with steps and procedures.
A one or two years of gap during studies has become a popular trend among school students. Some are of the opinion that this is a great thought while others are opposing it. This essay will discuss both sides of the opinion and suggest how not taking a year gap is beneficial to achieve future goals where age limits are also considered as one of the significant factors.
It is true that nowadays, cheer leaders are earning better than the political leaders, which in my opinion is definitely good for society as a whole. Rulers are the employees of a nation, as they are elected by the citizens for the overall growth of the country. Firstly, we will discuss the reasons for this and secondly, we will elaborate that how this is a positive development.
In recent years, there have been accidents on roads, especially along the road from Nakuru to Malaba. In most cases, the drivers are to blame as they do not observe the laws. In this essay, I will discuss two key issues: corruption and unqualified drivers, as well as suggest possible solutions.
Globalisation and urbanization have led to the development of big cities and have encouraged people to move to cities to seek a better standard of living. However, this migration has caused a population explosion and a shortage of manpower in the farming industry in villages. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of movement on rural and urban areas and suggest some possible solutions.
Weakness is a major problem in old age. Following this many experts suggests old people to doing more exercise and spend more time doing physical activities. However, some older people do not follow this and face some major problems. There are many consequences behind this and this essay will elaborate that broadly in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, the actual main issue of our society is the increase in overweight in every country, especially in the range of old people. Then, doctors are providing some advise to them, explaining to practise more exercices but this often stay without changements. So, in this essay, we will discuss about some solutions to takle this situation.
Internet, this very recent invention, has made a huge impact on everyone's lives. It is believed that the internet has become so inseparable no one can actually remember how life has been before it. Furthermore, it has changed our lives from different aspects. Here we are to discuss these changes in the following paragraphs.
Education plays an important role in producing a better person in the community. While some individuals think that online education is more efficient than university education, others believe otherwise. In this essay, I will discuss both arguments and explain why I believe campus education is more effective.
Consumerism is a part of modern economic policy and it has led to users spending money on unnecessary products. there are many reasons for this problem some of which are addressed in this essay and the proper solution for each is discussed.
In many countries, it has been observed that the number of male students is higher than female students in the science stream. The essay will discuss the reasons for this, including restrictions on higher education and early marriage pressure. This dissertation will also suggest government funding and girl child awareness.
The scarcity of food has always been prevalent in some parts of the world. Despite modern technologies being employed in agriculture, still a large number of humans sleeps without food. I believe this is because of the multifaceted issues in food production and distribution in the not so well developed economies. This problem can be solved by equipping nations having no food security with the latest farming technologies and justified distribution of food to these countries.
There are many mysteries that are unsolved in the world we live in, which could ignite curiosity in humans. Thus, people will examine things that are more familiar first such as their own places. Numerous countries’ citizens are becoming seriously interested in figuring out the history behind the house or building that they live in.
It is true that some people still believe that academic studies at university are the best way to guarantee a successful career, while others argue that schoolchildren should have a job after graduating from high school. Although I agree that having a job after graduation has its own benefits, I would argue that it is better to study at university.
Nowadays numerous problems are increasing in children which adversely affects to pay their full attention in schools. According to several surveys conducted by educational departments clearly showing the reasons which hampering students focus. The following paragraphs evaluating such issues related to students and finding ways how to solve them for the benefit of their future life.
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