IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Competition at work is indeed a common attitude which is becoming more serious between young and older generations. This issue is caused by the growing number of jobless people and can be eliminated by providing greater job opportunities.
One of the conspicuous trends of today’s modern is a colossal upsurge in sending text messages rather than communicating on phones ,thanks to the ubiquity of state-of-the-art technology,globalisation and modernisation. There is a widespread worry that this would lead to a myriad of concerns and this apprehension is unwarranted as it is having numerous disadvantages despite advantages .
According to a number of people, it is believed that youth develop their creativity and other accomplishment by doing fun activities with their parents, rather than knowledge books. I strongly agree with this approach as infant learn their motor and cognitive dexterity only through play, especially when they are in pre-school age.
The new generation is highly competitive and to succeed, a juvenile has to outperform the competition. Parents are, therefore, putting so much pressure on their pupils to succeed. Although from the perspective of a parent it is important that his/her offspring is successful in life, pressurizing to churn out the maximum from a child may not be the correct way forward. We shall look into the pros and cons of this approach and arrive at a conclusion.
There was a time in the past, where everyone used to come together and tell stories about their whole day while sitting at the dinner table. These days, people like to live alone where they leave their families behind and after some time they become used to it. This essay shall delve into the reasons for this phenomenon and also going to us the idea about its effects on our society.
Some individuals believe that radio is a good source of information since it can penetrate remote areas, while others believe that television is much better as it provides photos and videos.
It is certainly the case that some people buy unnecessary things and things that are too expensive to afford, getting themselves into debt. In the following essay, I will discuss what cause people over shopping and the way to prevent this problem.
Many people are getting more interested in establishing about the history of structures they stay in because of things like insecurity, availability of resources. They can always find out from existing tenants or talking to friends.
In this day and age, the competition in the job market is extremely high, and it is only natural for parents to want to see their children live good and comfortable lives. A major part of achieving such a dream is being able to secure a well-paying job. However, in doing so, children are forced to soak in a lot of pressure from an early age from both parents and schools which can have negative effects on them.
There is no doubt on how colour can affect the mood and it is proven since the beginning of the era. Different experiments and researches have been carried out to prove how colours can affect one's mood. Thus hospitals and public places are coloured carefully with light-toned.
It has become a trend in some countries that individuals often try to dig up the past of a place or building they are living in. We are going to take a look at the various reasons why people are interested in this history and what resources they use to get that information.
In recent times, people from many nations across the globe have become more intrigued by the former events of their residences. Concerns of safety and means to maintain household facilities are the primary reasons that trigger the growing curiosity. This essay will elucidate the intentions as well as outline the mediums to successful research.
Nowadays, people are facing numerous amounts of pressure in their day in and day out lives which is enhancing stress in their lives. This essay will discuss reasons for such including work-life balance and increased job pressure. This dissertation will also suggest solutions for reducing it such as exercise and family time.
Many people have the tendency to learn about the history of their houses or apartments in their countries. Curiosity is becoming more popular nowadays and people wonder about their home’s past. There are some reasons for these attempts and people can research in some effective ways.
Nowadays, private vehicles have become more common in society. It allows us to travel from one place to another conveniently, also show our financial position. At the same point, as we use them frequently, private autos have produced a lot of negative influences on our life and environment. The environment shows us a need to reduce its usage to ensure our environment’s safety.
There is no doubt that everyone has to work for many reasons such as money or power. However, some individuals believe that more working hours establishes several social and private troubles, so we should reduce hours to little more than 35 hours per week. Hence, there are both merits and drawbacks of reducing working hours.
It cannot be denied that the progress of the economy and technology facilitates the birth of an increasing number of small and private businesses and more and more people own the opportunities to become self-employed. Such a phenomenon leads to an assumption that it is beneficial for the public to work for themselves. However, such an idea needs to be scrutinized meticulously before a conclusion can be made.
The rising of the population in municipal cities is a serious problem in many countries of the world. This phenomenon often leads to numerous problems like air pollution and poverty. However, these issues can be mitigated to a great extent if government and people make a combined effort.
In recent years, Childhood obesity has risen at an alarming rate. This leads to various kinds of health problems, including heart and mental disease. There are several reasons behind this trend. This essay will discuss some of the reasons and possible outcomes of childhood obesity.
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