IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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People have different views about happiness, many people believe that personal happiness is outcome of having lots of money, while other people think that delight of people relies on other causes. This essay will consider both points of view.
There is no doubt that showbiz makes wealth hugely. People have a different view on this and they sceptic as well. However, I strongly think that it has more benefits than any negative it might bring.
It is a widely held belief that parents should motivate their kids to join the group ventures, but there is a strong counter-argument amongst sections of the people that Parents should let them free to do any solo activity, they passionate about.However, I am of the opinion that this is a matter to be debated in light of several factors before a reasonable conclusion can be drawn.
There is no doubt that the number of criminals has been increased. Unemployment and poverty are the main reasons of the crime rate; however, these can be minimised for a great extent by giving vocational training and financial assistance.
Walking is having tremendous benefits for human's physical well-being. However, nowadays, there is a significant decrease in the everyday walking that is having a profound adverse impact on public health. There are several factors that contribute to the reduced number of steps each day and to solve this issue, individuals and government should take some essential steps together to encourage people to a walk.
No one can deny that there are positive and negative aspects of improving roads and public transportation. If I were forced to choose, I would state that the improvement of roads and highways is more essential than concerning the means of transportation. It’s my firm belief that the streets themselves are the base and as a result, they are more important for several reasons, and I will develop these ideas in the subsequent paragraphs.
There is no doubt that everyone loves to travel todifferent places. There are some people who hink that this is a ind of learning process, However, others consider it is just a leisure activity.
There is no doubt that everyone loves to travel different places. There are some people think that this is kind of learning process,. However, others consider it is just a leisure activity.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt that artists are highly paid as compared to the politicians. A chunk of society opines that this is a much-needed change; however, others consider the same as a destructive trend. The following paragraphs would clarify my personal standpoint for the very conception.
According to the research conducted by the Polish Government, in 2018, there has been a 25% rise in felonies conducted by young people. This study has raised many questions in comparison to the numbers in the ear 2000 when the offences by the youngsters were extremely low. With a striking peak in unlawful acts and no efficient way to help young individuals,this has become a concern for many. This paper focuses on the growing teen crime rate and examines the possible solutions.
In today's world, with the improvement and constant updating of newer technology and healthcare, the average longevity of man has increased over to 65 years from 52 years. The older citizens can now, to some extent do certain jobs not to a full extent but to a particular level.
Nowadays if we flick the pages of the newspaper , the news of crime is ubiquitous. It is generally argued that juvenile delinquency is upsurged significantly in many nations. I will discuss the causes of this menace along with the solutions to mitigate this problem.
Whether it is scorching heat outside or rain pouring down heavily, people go for drinks or beverages, which contains high sugar quantity. Albeit, sugar is detrimental to health. However, the reasons and solutions for this are outlined below.
No one can deny that there are both negative and positive aspects of the way we are learning with. If I were forced to choose, I would definitely prefer classes with open discussions and no lectures. It is my firm belief that learning without discussions is just a vast null hole for a number of reasons, and I will develop these ideas in the subsequent paragraphs.
It is true that consumer goods have been vital components of modern life. While there are some benefits of these goods, I would argue that their downsides are more significant.
In these days, that the offenders who are known to re-offend after being released from prison have aroused people’s discussion. Although the problems associated with this situation could be pronounced, they are not without feasible solutions.
The population explosion has caused metro cities to expand at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, the direct impact is on the compromised living in the city centres, due to environmental issues like pollution and people density. In this essay, we will discuss the causes of this phenomenon and propose effective solutions to combat the problem.
Nowadays, travelling outside the world is becoming more trendy and in demand. Making an idol, falls or any other picturesque views are attracting the people around the different parts of the world and thus promoting an international tourism. This provides the chance for the one to enjoy and explore the world. I completely agree with the fact that international tourism is aiding in growth and economy of the world.
Education is the backbone of any country, and in most countries, It is the private educational system which is doing the heavy lifting. Although, I am of a belief that education should be free, thus funding public schools should be promoted, I understand the importance of private schools and support its funding too. This essay will further discuss this position.
Truly people are no longer concerned with living close to where they work anymore because of the advancement in communication technology and transportation. It is a good aspect as it makes things a tad easier for people, but the issue with it is that everything in life has its own benefits and effects.
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