IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In a capitalist culture, to sell and generate profit is rule number one. In order to accomplish higher numbers, most companies invest in advertisements to increase their income, which is somewhat effective. However, this much propaganda is beneficial or not to humanity as a whole?
In the last decade, the number of fast food chains has increased since the market trend has highlighted the growth in this sector. The ingress of this new typology of resturants changed the concept of eating and moreover, the fast food resturants are getting a big piece of market in the catering. The upward of the trend is determinate by different factors: the ecomicity of the product, the fast service they provice and the knowledge of the menù even before getting there.
Today we are living in such scientific era where, we have conquered over many deadly diseases , this could have been possible only because of many trials and research which have been performed at a different level over live animals. Some people thought that doing an experiment on the animal is doing cruelty over them whereas some thoughts its good to save the human race. In this essay, we will discuss both of these views.
It would be quite right to profess that the declination of educational quality, particularly in literature and mathematics, has globally grabbed attention among the populace over the last decades. This essay will connote the excessive use of state-of-the-art technological devices by juveniles and lack of good teachers as main causes and submit legislating stricter rules for exploiting accurately modern facilities at schools and encouraging talented people to come in the teaching profession as solutions to draw a reasonable conclusion.
From a couple of decades, there is an immense decrease in the number of people visiting art galleries, since they give more preference to watch it online via their smartphones. Although there is a number of potential factors behind this practice such as convenience approach and saving time through their phones, this can be resolved to some extent by awareness and creating events. This essay will discuss some fundamental reasons and measures to address this issue.
In today's modern world, the crime rate among youngsters is accelerating. The obstacle has become a huge headache for
It is widely acknowledged that quality family time is on the decline for many households over the world in recent decades. This tendency is attributable to a number of driving forces, and it is having an adverse bearing on human life.
In the modern world, technology has become one of the essentials in our day-to-day lives. It is certain that the older generation facing difficulties when it comes to the use of high-tech devices such as laptops and mobile phones. Throughout this essay, I will explain what are the reasons and some possible solutions.
In the current scenario, the downfall in the number of people who visit art galleries is the matter of grave concern as it is affecting both the government and society. I shall outline the underlying causes and effective solutions for this problem in this essay.
Currently, financial gifts have become more appreciated than various items due to their universality. While such presents may show a lack of interest in another person’s life, I do believe that it is a positive tendency as it may help a giftee to purchase a long-awaited thing.
Numerous reasons can explain the widespread in youth drug use, which causes, as consequence, an undesired outcome for these youngsters' lives. The present essay aims to discuss the causes and effects of this issue and proposes two possible solutions.
As shopping centres grow in number, and popularity among shoppers, many local stores face closure. I believe this panorama to be very positive.
Today people can earn a salary in different ways somebody can be a very popular singer or actor. However, others can make payment by protecting our life and so on. Unfortunately, in some countries, superstars can earn more salary than doctors and politicians.
With the advancement of technology, people now have a lot of choices to choose as hobbies. Currently, the trend of shopping as a leisure time activity has become very popular in teenagers. I think adopting shopping as a hobby doesn't have any bad consequences on the young generation. Also, the main reasons behind this uprising trend will be discussed in this essay.
In this modern era, people tend to follow trendy lifestyle even if it cost their financial security and health issues. Drinking high caloric-drinks that are carbonated is on the rise among individuals, especially the young generation. I believe that every community can establish ways together with government to bring social awareness regarding this matter.
Some people recklessly use the water which is available to humankind. One the other hand, some believe that freshwater is an extremely limited resource which should be used in a controlled manner and the government should take the necessary measures in order to preserve the water resources for the future.
If I was asked about the life expectancy, preferring having a 100-year and calm life or having a shorter lifespan but much more fatigue, frankly, I would rather take the first one, having a long life and living as cool as a cucumber as there are two main reasons corresponding to family and individual.
Commonly, in European countries, teenagers are sent to schools that help them to develop practical skills in order to be better prepared for the job market. Other children are enrolled in schools that focus on more general subjects. In my opinion, schools should develop a structure to develop practical abilities in students not only because it could prepare them earlier to access a good job position but also because this could help them to decide the best careeer to pursue.
The use of social- networking sites has been so popular these days among all walks of life. There are some people who think that the trend of sharing private information would bring some repercussions to society. However, in my opinion, I completely disagree with this view as the merits of this is huge.
Over workload adversely impact their physical and mental health. So employers should recognize the target should be realistic as most of the time, unrealistic deadlines make the employees feel under pressure. So to tackle this kind of issue they should make sure the targets must be challenging but realistic. But in a similar way, insufficient workload makes them feel their skills are underused. Secondly, the lack of interpersonal support or poor working relationships leads to a sense of isolation.
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