IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Today, people from around the world communicate with each other through Internet. There are many people over use internet and some of them even become addicted to it. The reasons and troubles from over usage internet will be explained.
Hesitating I enter my house, the light outside is dimming and the shadows make everything appear unfamiliar. I know that my husband has not returned from work yet, simply because his car is not in the garage. I am alone. I carefully check all the rooms, almost expecting something to happen suddenly. I hold my bag in my hand as if it were a weapon. After the whole house has been declared "clear," I start to breathe normally again and a smile appears on my face as I realize, once again, how a simple movie seen at the cinema a week earlier can modify my actions. Sometimes I wonder if I should watch TV, with all its shows that make me wonder whether I exercise enough, whether I am slim enough, or whether I treat my pets with the care they deserve: am I really concerned about their mental health? Not to mention the hundreds of commercials that try to make me believe I need a water purifier to remain alive since the water I am currently drinking is heavily polluted! And countles...
It is obvious to say that human beings who are very ambitious tend to be more successful in comparison with apathetic individuals. Some humans believe that it is beneficial to have such skill, others considers that it is not. Arguments for both views will be provided and examined carefully.
Recently, we can observe overpopulation in conurbations. There are two reasons behind it, however, this problem can be tackled by the government.
Large cities have been a home to pollution in quite a long time. But these days the level of contamination is on a drastic rise. Overpopulation and waste management the main cause of pollution. This essay will analyse this issue using several different examples.
In recent years, a lot of teenagers leave their family in their hometown to gain knowledges or become a breadwinner. Although there are several disadvantages of leaving their hometown, I believe that the advantages outweigh any drawbacks.
Colour has a closed linkage with the emotion of the people, therefore it is used as a tool for psychological therapy. It is said that the colour used for decoration in public places, for example, offices and hospitals should choose after serious consideration. However, everyone has different responses to different colours that it is hard to meet the requirement of every individual.
Nowadays, the topic of environmental security is one of the crucial in the world. Unfortunately, it's more often that only developed countries provide the measures for the protection of our nature. I hope that every human will become eco-friendly in the near future. In this essay I'll provide the reasons why everybody should start thinking about the environment.
Traffic congestion is a major issue around the world in the recent times. Therefore, the governments are trying to solve this problem differently. One of the common solution is by imposing heavy taxes for personal car holders and utilize this money to develop public transport. In this essay, I will first elaborate the general benefits of this system and then look into the inherent drawbacks.
Nowadays, many people tend to start being self employed instead of working in a company or an organisation. There are several reasons behind it. Among these reasons, independence or freedom and wage can be major concerns why people quitting their office jobs or government jobs. However, it is also true that, there are disadvantages can be identified when it comes changing their jobs from office jobs. Following this essay will explain about the reasons and issues about this case.
Although the levels of juvenile crime are boosting promptly in most of the cities around the globe, governments and parents can tackle this problem. When it comes to crime wave, each case needs to be dealt with in a particular way.
Sports are crucial for physical health. Playing sports since childhood is very important for both physical and mental growth. Some children who are over attracted to sports or who want to choose sports as a career, play sports more than the limit and it will cause different health issues. Some people believe that, this will cause serious traumas in their lives. I agree with them and I will explain why in this essay with some examples.
In modern times, one of the major issues faced by developed cities is traffic congestion due to the staggering amount of machine users in the city areas. As a result, drivers are charged a fee before entering the city centre in some countries. To my way of thinking, there are positive and negative effects that I’m in favour and against to be analysed for this policy.
In today’s technologically advanced world, the number of children reading books as a hobby is decreasing drastically. Various reasons can be drawn for such a pattern. This essay will discuss those reasons as well as the measures that can be taken to encourage children to read more.
Gone are the days when you would have to carry large sums of money in your pockets. Physical cash has now been replaced with credit and debit card. This essay would state the advantages and disadvantages of using the plastic money.
Nowadays, there is a significantly increasing amount of crime around the world annually. There are two main factors including the effect of the violent entertaining product and failure in the national security system generate this tendency. In this essay, I would like to present the analysis about the possible reasons explained for the intensifying level of criminality and several optimal solutions to keep this under control.
Nowadays, zoos are becoming very familiar because everyone has access to see and learn about the rare animals. Although few people think that it is good to put animals in zoos because of its benefits, some states that it is not correct to have animals in zoos. This essay will discuss several aspects about these views.
The tourism industry is a major source of income for many countries. It promotes local businesses since people can provide visitors with accommodation and sell their traditional handmade souvenirs. However, it can have an impact on the culture as well as nature and the environment. Some tourist spots have changed dramatically because of this industry to become more attractive. In some cases, tourists have damaged nature and polluted the environment. Even though these changes can be harmful and concerning, it's not a good enough reason to abandon international tourism all together since it has many upsides as well.
Following the rapid development of the entertainment industry and public figures’ popularity, information about what celebrities eat, wear or like is sought with great attention. Accordingly, a heated debate is provoked about whether the private lives of famous people should be exposed to the public or we should pay respect to their privacy. In this essay, we shall conflict, both views given.
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