IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This present both pros and cons, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.
It is a fact today that, young people in numerous countries around the globe leaving their parents after completing the school education and either living with their friends or staying alone .In this fast pacing era, parents do not have time to take care of their children.This could lead to loneliness and insecurity and feel that stay alone gives better benefits. I believe that children should stay with their family and get the care and attention of them.
In the contemporary world, news reporting has numerous changes in the news are represented to the public. The recent way discussions nowadays are the use of pictures in columns. Intellects are in splits by the use of photographs. In this essay, the authenticness of photographs will be discussed.
The use of robots is increasing day by day in all the field of work. It is believed by some this technology has positive impacts on humanity. I agree with this view. In this essay, I would shed light on some benefits sides and justify my view.
There has been divided opinion the best way of schooling for children. one section thinks children should attend top schools to mix with society, another section argues that schooling at home is suitable. This essay will provide both views, starting with joining top schools followed by studying at home.
It has often been argued that individuals nowadays are consuming drinks that are high in sugar content and what could be the contributing factors and possible remedies to curb the consumption of sweetened drinks. This essay would discuss how availability and advertisement have surged the issue and why educating people and command on adverts can serve as a potential solution.
Students opt for other subjects at the universities instead of science as per the latest trends. I will discuss both the reasons and the effects of this scenario in this essay.
In the era of globalization, people have to choose their place of residence either in city centres or countrysides. Personally, I would opt to dwell in a metropolitan city as it suits my carrier and offers many benefits. In this essay, I will elaborate my view for selecting an urban area for accommodation.
Modern society has changed and people want to look fancy, buying always the new entry in the market. Making such a choice, it could lead to debt, even though a person can't afford an item, he can get a loan to purchase, and afterwards, it could be useless. I would like to talk about the reasons behind it and what others could do to stop you from buying no proper articles.
Both genders are more increasingly obsessed with their beauty than in the past by spending most of their money on beauty products. This essay will show how the advent of social media has made this phenomenon to gain popularity among men and women, followed by a discussion of how it can lead to increase the psychological problems such as depression because of this trend.
This cutting-edge technological era has given birth to the globetrotting phenomenon. However, an array of masses considers that the populace should be liberal to move around the world without any restrictions while others oppose this notion. There are merits as well as demerits of this practice and I would shed the light on both viewpoints in the following paragraphs.
The trend of immigration is rapidly burgeoning worldwide. Few people opine that this is an individual right to move to any country whilst others have contrast viewpoint. Although there are few repercussions, I believe this is people's personal choice and movement should be allowed.
Nowadays there is a huge development in the shopping sphere. We are viewing how every year there are new shopping mall buildings near big cities and small towns. Because of this issue,small business can't survey, so they close their shops, consequently,they can't afford to run such business. In this essay,I would like to discuss such a problem.
Many companies use advertisements to increase sales. There are different techniques and advertisements could bring benefit to society.
With the advent of technology, teleshopping has made a huge difference in comparison to the conventional methods of buying different goods. Due to which a number of people prefer to do online shopping rather than visiting malls in person with their family and friends. It has several benefits to time management and expenditure of people, whereas a few drawbacks to people's lives which this essay would outline further with a particular premise.
It is often said that boarding schools are best for children to develop, while some people are the opposite view on this statement. In this essay, I would shed light on both sides before a reasonable conclusion can drown.
It is commonly known that crime can not be stopped all over the world. Using prisons is not always the best solution and does not prevent the wrongdoing rate from growing. Committing fraud becomes more and more popular in the teenagers' groups which, as a result, leads to a rapid increase in the levels of youth violation in most cities around the world.
Studies an important aspect of an individual's life. In the contemporary era, many universities are proving e-classes as a facility to the youngsters. According to me, this is a good advancement and in the forthcoming paragraphs, I will express my views.
Most people agree that modern lifestyles can be unhealthy, both physically and mentally. I believe there are three main problems, but also some practical steps we can take. Perhaps the largest problem is the issue of obesity , which is growing drastically in most Western countries. With people working at desks and using transport rather than walking, weight gain seems inevitable, and being overweight causes various medical issues including heart trouble and strokes. Another major problem linked to lifestyle is poor diet, with people who are short of time eating junk food rather than proper nutrients. Resultant health problems range from obesity to high cholesterol and even organ failure. Finally , we must consider the issue of mental health. Modern lifestyles are highly pressurised, with people expected to work at a fast pace for extended periods, and little scope for family life or relaxation, leading to enormous stress and anxiety. Turning to possible solutions, the b...
Throughout the history transition of people from a region to another have always happened, mainly for survival purpose. Nowadays, to survive is not a major asset because it is our country's responsibility to guarantee that to the overall population. Nevertheless, immigration remains happening and have a great impact on society. In the following essay, I will be discussing some reasons and consequences for it.
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