IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Technology is rapidly changing the lives of people around the world, creating a high demand for university graduates with a background in science. However, the number of students studying the relevant subject is well below the required level. This problem seems to be caused by outdated preconceptions, which determine young people's choices today.
From the start of the 20th century there was a significant growth in the number of races which are vanishing and some of the creatures are getting extinct during this time. As a result of deforestation, global warming this is happening. With some of the Go Green initiatives and creating forest reserves across the globe this can be controlled over a period of time.
In recent decades, people are witnessing loner lives when compared to earlier generations. Although there are some concerns associated with this trend, I think that it has more optimal outcomes.
Travelling an abroad means you will come back as a new personality, this is the thinking of almost everyone. Although some people argue foreign travel before the university start has detriments, others say there are many advantages of it. This essay will cover both the advantages and the disadvantages and explain why travel has benefits.
In the contemporary era, it has become a quite common in the era of globalisation, famous person is getting a huge amount rather than those who are leader of the country.There are several reasons for that, such as, VIP character are getting income from advertisement and endorsement. I believe that, this has a several detrimental effects instead of advantages.
The internet is playing an important part in today`s life. It's become as important as food. Half portion of society believes that it brings masses close to each others and others opine opposite. In the upcoming paragraphs we will discuss both views.
The contemporary generation reckons the idea of having offsprings at a later age in life. However, the advantage of getting more time for career progression clearly outweighs the disadvantage of pregnancy complications at an older age.
Zoos continue to be controversial, even now that they have evolved into ‘animal parks’ or similar facilities. Most people love animals, and there are strong views on both sides, which I will discuss now. People opposed to zoos highlight the unnatural way in which animals live in such places. For example, captive animals do not need to hunt or raise offspring, and this means that they are not living as nature intended. Furthermore, the anti-zoo lobby point out that animals probably suffer me...
We are living in a celebrity obsessed world where everything that famous people do or say makes headlines. If media publish stories about the private lives of the rich and the famous, that is because there is an audience for them. People want to know what celebrities do, say, wear, eat and drink. Media merely satisfies this need because it makes sound business sense for them.
The elevating obesity issue is affecting both children and adults of the communities, globally. One primary cause of the growing number of obese people is the consumption of junk foods, and a way to solve it is by having a balanced diet.
Due to advancement in recent times, many couples have decided to hold on with having children later in life than earlier. The impact of this trend cannot be ignored. I shall discuss how this affects both the family and society at large.
With the advent of technologies like internet it has made our life very much easier as compared to the bygone time. It is believed that net plays a vital role in humans life.As few individual suggest that it had brought people closer together,but some people opine that it had made communities more isolated. this essay will discuss both the views in detail.
Schooling for a child plays an essential role in their whole life. It has a great importance for social development. Nowadays, some people think that the living in the school accommodation helps for an improvement in adolescent and others prefers to live with parents. This is a moot topic and needs attention. In my subsequent crumb of writing, I will discuss both the facets of notion and conclude the essay with my opinion.
It is considered by most people to shop online via ecommerce and retailing websites, while others prefer the traditional way of shopping. There is no doubt that online shopping has certainly made shopping flexible and accessible. Shopping is just a finger touch away and people can shop anytime and anywhere in the world. However, there are a few drawbacks also.
Rising up early can be a tough thing to do; especially for the millennials, who prefer to work in the serenity of nights. The common conception around the world is to wake up early in the morning, and it still proves to be relevant. The essay discusses this traditional habit along with considering it’s edge over the counterpart.
Because of the internet, communities are starting to feel alone and isolated. While many of us still claims that it is helping in bringing all of us together. To an extent, I agree with the former part of the statement. In this essay, I would describe both sides of the argument.
For those who are interested it is possible to surf the Internet and read articles discussing house and apartment. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claim that a traditional house have a lot of space. An alternative belief regards this as harmful and considers modern apartment building is convenient as the most important in that case. In this essay both points of view are going to be examined and a particular opinion will be provided.
Recently, a great number of historic buildings which should be protected have been demolished. In the following paragraph, the causes would be analysed, and some plausible solution would be suggested.
Nowadays, as a result of technological advancements and their accessibility, being a phenomenon is much easier. While some argue that it has bad effects and may lead to undesirable consequences, at the same time, it is considered a positive trend.
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