IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Around the globe, traditions and customs are the golden symbol of cultural wealth and proudness of any country. Unfortunately, nowadays, due to globalization, these traditions and customs are cutting on the edge. This essay will discuss several causes of disappearing this heritage and a possible solution to tackle this problem.
These days, there has been an increase in the number of people delaying their parenthood. Although this trend has a number of benefits, I believe that the drawbacks will be far more significant.
Some people believe that money is essential to make accomplish contentment. Nowadays, Money plays crucial role in people's life. I strongly disagreed that money is necessary to achieve happiness. Poor people who are having healthier, happier than rich people as well as the olden days, even though people do not have money and facilities, they were living more delightful.
Overweight is known problem with the current generation and we can see these problems in our family, friends and neighbourhood members. But it is increasing exponentially in children all over the world, especially in the developed countries. There are many reasons behind it, but major is parents are busy in their work and not having enough era for the family. In order to that people are relying on ready foods.
Education plays a significant role in everyone's life. In today's time, Parents and teachers facing a problem with the regards of folks lack of attention on school classes. There are several reasons who are responsible for this cause. In this essay, I intend to discuss some of the main factors in this situation and their solution.
Earlier, families used to be close to each other, but nowadays, the bond and the closeness among the members of the families is somewhere missing. With the passage of time the size of the families is shrinking.
Nowadays people are seen quite often who change their careers as they are obviously starving for making an impact for themselves socially, financially or for other good reasons such as it can be an urge for recognition of his work, creativity or ideas. Most people change their careers in hope of getting a higher raise in salary as it is very difficult to grow professionally in one career or same level of position which have many candidates who are tussling with each other mentally and emotionally with each other to get the final prize which can be an appraisal or promotion. As one course can become ruthless for some people as it does not fulfil the desire of scaling new heights in organisations and lack of recognition of work and self worth is also one major reason.
Nowadays a lot of people have problems with their memory. Where should we look for a source of this phenomena and what can we do to prevent it? In this essay, I will write what can cause this problem and I will present a simple solution for it.
Today, most of the youngsters spend most of their time playing video games or playing online games rather than playing field sports like baseball, cricket, football, etc. What kind of effect does this chance brings, is it a positive effect or a negative effect. In this passage we would discuss about the reason for above mentioned statement.
Nowadays, countries are facing a new problem that is, the reduction in the number of visitors to the art galleries or museum, there could be "n" number of reasons for such a scenario whereas in this passage, we would go through some general reasons.
Nowadays, one of the brutal truths is that terrestrial and marine animals are on the verge of extinction because of human activities. My essay will indicate the causes and solutions of this issue. There are two main reasons why people threaten the extinction of the animal species. First, their habitats is increasingly narrowed or affected negatively by human activities. Today, the environment is seriously polluted as an inevitable result from releasing an inordinate amount of toxic waste into the environment by traffic, especially due to the expansion of industries such as: natural forest is destroyed to make way for many factories, waste from factories ... In addition, hunting is a direct cause leading to the fact that animal species are becoming extinct. According to the reported by the wildlife conservation organization, Rhinos, elephants, tigers, and pangolins are being exploited illegally at a warming rate due to the misconception that some parts of them be able to ...
The importance learning a foreign language, has increased dramatically in the past few decades. However, the start period of learning a foreign language has been argued among the researchers. While some experts feel that the children should start learning a non-native language as early as at primary level, others think that it should be started at the secondary level. I personally feel that there are more disadvantages of start learning the foreign language at an early stage than its advantages.
It is true that delaying childbirth has become an increasingly popular trend among many spouses. This problem happens due to some reasons, and it can have a serious negative impact on not only family but also the community as a whole.
It is undeniable that the fast development of metropolises has a variety of positive impacts on society such as industrialisation and commercialisation; however, this growth might bring about some unexpected issues in the fields of culture, economy, and environment. This essay will look at this and propose several feasible solutions.
In this day and age, in order to be successful in a field, a person needs to be not only competent at their job but also able to communicate effectively with others. This essay will shed light on the reasons for this belief with explanations and examples below.
Online shopping is gaining popularity these days, reasons for demand in e-services are due to the technological advancements of the modern era. Advantages takes a prominent position over the demerits in many ways. The essay will discuss the reasons with appropriate scenarios.
Many countries, such as Japan and Italy, contains a considerably higher proportion of elderly people while other regions in Asia and some Western countries are highly populated with young people. It is undeniable that, Youth can contribute more in the present growth of the country which will be discussed in detail here.
This is one of the most difficult questions to be answered. Reflecting, on my personal life, the first inspiration came from a hospital visit to India, where my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and she had surgery. I met a few nurses on the ward who were looking after my grandmother and they were very caring, compassionate, supportive, and helped us to explain everything very briefly what will happen after surgery and what kind of care she will need. I saw nurses in every aspect of healthcare from admission to the theatre. It was my first visit in hospital as I have not been to the hospital before, but this visit blows my mind, then I make my mind to pursue my profession where I can interact with different people, support them, and can cure people directly. I got supportive family they support my decision to change my career from a bio-technologist to a nurse.
Technology is rapidly changing the lives of people around the world, creating a high demand for university graduates with a background in science. However, the number of students studying the relevant subject is well below the required level. This problem seems to be caused by outdated preconceptions, which determine young people's choices today.
From the start of the 20th century there was a significant growth in the number of races which are vanishing and some of the creatures are getting extinct during this time. As a result of deforestation, global warming this is happening. With some of the Go Green initiatives and creating forest reserves across the globe this can be controlled over a period of time.
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