IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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The 21st century has witnessed a sudden and a consistent surge of criminal offences including physical, social and cybercrime by people, especially by youngsters who are under the age of 18 years. This incidence is not attributed to a particular gender or religion and this is undoubtedly alarming for the social harmony across the globe.
Noise pollution is one of the major concerns in today's world. Increasing amount of globalization and industrialization is one of the biggest reasons in an accelerating boom in the mega cities. The thinking over controlling this pollution via strict laws is undoubtedly reasonable. There are both some benefits and disadvantages in doing so which will be discussed in detail.
It has been observed that colours can have an impact on a human emotion; thus, the usages of them should be properly regarded. I agree with this remark and will further discuss how colours can influence a person's life and work quality as well.
Global warming and climate change have played a pivotal role in disturbing the natural environment, with catastrophic consequences to mankind. For instance, natural calamities like floods, droughts and prolonged summers have shot up considerably; resulting in loss of human lives, their livelihoods and severe dent on global economy.
Language is the means of communication, therefore it is spoken with the pace of time and needs. However, different people have different thought about it, but I am going to express my point of view in this essay.
As is the belief of most, happiness is the most important aspect of existence, and money is the cornerstone of being happy. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that while money does have the power to purchase convenience, true happiness can never be attained with monetary prowess alone. This essay will discuss the long-debated relationship of happiness with money.
Sometimes it is argued that, freedom of speech must be given. I will shun some light on this topic in my essay below.
It often believes by few sections of society that preparing meals at home is a waste of time. They suggest that eating outside make life comfortable, stress free and sophisticated. I disagree with the statement. In this essay will decipher various reasons and my standpoint.
It is observed that those who exerted a great influence on the world dedicated themselves entirely to their professional life and ignore the concept of "work-life balance". Personally, unlike the message these people conveyed, I believe that addressing a balance between work and social life is of paramount importance.
It cannot be denied that reading habits in the children's are decreasing day by day. Some individuals think that, nowadays kids do not like reading stuff for their enjoyments, and the percentage of readers are getting low in the present year. This treatise will shed light on the causes of this situation, and going to give solutions to tackle this problem.
It has been observed that, at university level, especially in science field, the number of male students is more in comparison to female. However, the probable reason for it is, they might be less interested to learn science subjects as they are slightly complex subjects, although this difference can be solved by promoting tech subjects and their career prospective and by giving compensation to female students in fees.
With the rapidly increasing technology, It can be seen that people's life is much easier than ever before, in terms of communication, entertainment, work activities and in so many other aspects. There are so many advantages and disadvantages of this new development of information technology but benefits can be outweighed by the drawbacks and I will discuss those reasons in detail here.
Many people are putting themselves into debt in order to buy unnecessary and unaffordable things. The primary reason for this phenomenon is fashion trends prevailing in the market and the most viable solution is the education of living in moderation.
Modern conditions such as diabetes and related health problems are probably associated with the upward trend towards consuming sugary drinks on a daily basis. Two of the main causes will thus be explored, and light will be shone on one possibly effective measure to deal with this consumption.
Developing countries are benefited by the developed countries in various forms. Even though, People are challenging for their fundamental needs. Even People are dying due to starvation in this era. Many reasons are influenced for this circumstance. Such as poverty, reduced individual wages, lack of government concern about the public and internal conflicts into the country.
In the present world we cannot refuse technology, which helps humans to travel or discover the new place or the place that nobody has never been or visited. It is often argued that visiting the new environment that we have never gone which help humans to discover the new thing or open their mind. While some people believe that travelling or discovery the new environment as a result of living of local people.
Some people argue that, level of the youth crime has increased rapidly in the most cities around the world. There are several reasons why many of the young people are now involved with such serial criminal activities and following this essay will explain my viewpoints for the reasons and then will provide the solutions for this case.
How much funds should be allocated to the private schools, or, whether they should be funded at all, has been debated for long. There are many who believe that the private schools are only profit-making institutions, and, can sustain themselves with the huge fee they take from the students. They are, therefore, not eligible for government funding. In my opinion, private schools should be provided funding but not to run their system.
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