IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Most people spend their free hours with their friends, while many sit alone. Although, both the ways have merits of their own, I do prefer a balance between both of these ways as, one gives us time for introspection, while the other helps us to kill loneliness.
There is no doubt that wildlife habitats are being destroyed and whole species of animal are on the verge of disappearance due to human activities on land and in the sea. This essay will highlight what are the reasons behind this situation and what are some potential measures to resolve it.
Globalization has benefited most of the countries. However, everything has two sides, globalization may also have disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss both the pros and cons of globalization in today's world.
Everybody wants to have a successful career for their future. It is totally based upon the people's thinking about how they can make their better career. Many think of a studying in universities and some are for jobs after school. This essay will state both their views.
The tradition that the family gets together to eat meals is disappearing. What are the reasons? What are the impacts?
The tradition of sitting together and having a meal is years old. Previously, people used to enjoy, share stories of their day and have a good time with their family at the dinner table. However, this culture is rapidly disappearing and there are several reasons behind it.
Since the international tourism begun the benefits that it has brought to many places came also, with some concerns about the impact to the environment and for the population. Overall, I agree with the statement that the disadvantages which came with all this tourism outweigh the advantages.
There is no shadow of doubt that tension on kids has aroused a more debate and conversations around it. While it's true that parents stress on their kids too much to get succeed in life. This essay will analyse the reasons for this trend and put forward several solutions to mitigate the issues.
The Internet connects all users with the organizations providing our daily basis such as, books, flights, and groceries. In customers' views, the Internet provides us a superb convenience and saves our time for other activities. Therefore, it is getting better and more popular for the new generations. Even though this middleman has really boosted up the total orders for goods and services from particular shops, the revenues made from the selling drop significantly. In my opinion, the disadvantages in online shopping definitely outweigh the advantages in terms of overall economic.
Discipline plays a vital role in all-round development of children, especially while gaining an education. However, a lot of students seem to lack it, and the question of who is responsible for this is widely discussed in society. According to some people these are parents who are expected to instill this value, while others insist that this is a duty of pedagogues. This essay argues that although educators are definitely engaged in the development of self-command among students, however, parents have much more influence on their children by being role models.
The meaning of damage historical places has increasingly significant in a fast moving and dynamic society. The question here is whether what some of the reasons for damage historical places are. Before giving a reasonable answer to that, it is important to look at the debate from following angles.
Almost every student around the world wishes to purchase his or her education. However, every issue has its pros and cons. In order to make a better decision, one has to explore different aspects of a plan. Telling the truth, there are lots of advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Lots of foreign universities and other academic centres are attracting many abroad students to study in their universities or academic centres. Chances are if you're planning on studying abroad, one of ...
The natural world consists of air, water, land, universe, vegetations, and wildlife, however many people are not aware about the worth of these resources due to their self oriented and selfish behaviour. Various sincere reforms should be implemented by the government to increase the awareness level among the public.
The present world is flooded with overwhelming technological advancements. It has led some to believe that technology will transform traditional classrooms into ones, devoid of a teacher, any time sooner. While, others contradict to this statement. This essay shall examine both these views in detail.
For the past few decades, international tourism is considered to be the major source of economy for many countries. By looking deep into that, there are many issues regarding tourism which affects local residents and the society. Despite such factors, world-wide tourism is still and will continue to be a profound experience and an important attraction to all people.
A lot of people these days are changing their field of occupation during their working years and this is due to several factors that I'll be starting in this essay alongside the merits and demerits of not settling in a known appointment.
There has been a tendency in many countries over recent years for more people of all ages to choose to live alone. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and explain why this can have both advantages and disadvantages for society.
The environment is an important part of the nation. However, in today's world, people have less knowledge about natural resources. Thus, I will discuss several causes to create this phenomenon, Also provide the possible solution for that in an essay.
In this modern world, technology has a major impact on our daily lives. People are getting attracted toward the social media, they prefer to spend time on the internet and social networking rather than to spend time with their families. In my viewpoints, families can get closer as they were before, just by spending time with each other and giving attention.
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