IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Some people believe that in coming years, readers will not spend on printed material and will incline towards reading from online resources due to its free access. I agree with the notion to large extent because of several reasons which are discussed in subsequent paragraphs.
In the past century, science has been the most studied subject in universities all around the world. However, In recent years, there has been a gradual shift toward other subjects like art and law, and the effects of this shift are concerning for many countries.
There are many types of working available in this world which allows people to select the appropriate job that suite with their study background. Commonly after graduated people tend to work with a company. However,in the current situation, people like to self-employed compare than working as typical workers in a company or organization.
The preparation of the educational material that is presented to schools' students is a task of grave importance to any nation. Who should be responsible for this task? Should it be the government's responsibility or is it best left to the educators themselves to decide what should be taught and what should not? In this essay, I will try to answer these question to reach up to a conclusion.
The preparation of the educational material that is presented to schools' students is a task of grave importance to any nation. Who should be responsible for this task? Should it be the government's responsibility o is it best left to the educators themselves to decide what should be taught and what should not? In this essay, I will try to answer these question to reach up to a conclusion.
In the contemporary era, humans choose to interactions online over face-to-face conversations.This could include shopping on the portals or multitude of applications designed as well as texting dear ones.The reasons may vary from convenience and comfort to availability.
An often debated topic is whether a government should provide its country’s artists with assistance or not. Many believe such assistance is a prudent use of a nation’s wealth and should thus be supported. However, others feel this kind of spending is wasteful. Both sides of the argument will be discussed in this essay before a conclusion is reached.
An increasing number of citizens are utilising personal automobiles as a prime way of mobilisation in the current era. This phenomenon has to lead to overcrowding and pollution in the cities and this essay will suggest possible solutions to tackle this problem.
Internet and online activities are becoming more fashionable these days. With the invent of high speed internet service, people choose to shop online and interact with friends and families online. Main reasons for this is the comfort and ease it provides while shopping and connecting families who are away due to work commitments. This is definitely a positive development in many aspects.
With the advancement in technology, the invention of robots with artificial intelligence are being demanded. It is also forecasted that the presence of robots in our lives will play a vital role in the future. With such type of mechanical help, humans would be replaced in a few professions where there is a potential risk of life; however, this type of progress could bring some adverse effects on dwellers.
There is no doubt that studying an overseas language plays a vital role in today's world. However, while some believe that this should be learned mainly either to travel or work in a distant country, I would agree with those who argue that knowing international languages helps someone in many of the paths in one's life, not just for travel and work alone.
In the modern era, an increase in the number of vehicles is a major concern across the countries. With each passing day, people spend a lot of time while travelling, that really made their lives complicated, there is enough chance for improvement. Huge numbers of people do react differently because of traffic problem. The essay will discuss the topic in a broader manner.
Having healthy habits has become one of the most important goals for society. Although some people champion physical activities as the most important way to maintain their health in good conditions others believe that eating light food is a must.
Sugar causes health issues. Even though humans have already incurred bad consequences of sugar drinks, people are still drinking it. In this essay, I will examine the two main causes associated with sugar drinks, and suggest a viable solution, before coming to a reasoned conclusion.
Numerous characters consider art as one of the most important subjects during the educational period of children; meanwhile, certain groups of people deny and affirm that it is a waste of their kids’ precious time. In this essay, I will examine, firstly, how creativity can be a positive psychological part for the younger generation, and secondly, the negatives aspects of neglecting art, followed by a reasoned conclusion.
The urbanization affects no only the society but also on citizens. One of the significant change is that a decreasing amount of time is occupied by family events and activities in recent decades. Instead, people tend to consume their time on socialization and working recently.
Nowadays, people are using their phones for any money transaction instead of going physically. While the habit is good for our society, it might be dangerous sometimes. The positive side is always stronger than the other ones. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits.
Air pollution is one of the most serious concerns in metropolitan cities. The degrading air quality brings with it a lot of health problems for the residents. There are a number of contributing factors and various probable solutions to lessen the impact of air pollution.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend that people tend to buy things on the Internet. This present both pros and cons, however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than the drawbacks.
It is a fact today that, young people in numerous countries around the globe leaving their parents after completing the school education and either living with their friends or staying alone .In this fast pacing era, parents do not have time to take care of their children.This could lead to loneliness and insecurity and feel that stay alone gives better benefits. I believe that children should stay with their family and get the care and attention of them.
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