IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, obesity has become a really serious problem, that could lead to a huge amount of work that many people currently have and therefore, a lack of free time. In this essay,I will further discuss the reasons that obesity is bringing and also how we could tackle this awful problem.
The search for a good education has led students from underdeveloped countries to travel far away from their hometowns. The motivation for those students to move to 'first-world' countries such as the USA and UK is to enrol in renowned colleges with a higher degree of education. As an international student myself, I not only consider travelling abroad for education but I would also recommend it because students can have a better education and more opportunities in life.
As more and more organizations and institutes establish themselves in cities, talent from rural areas is drawn towards it. While this 'Brain Drain' does negatively impact the development of non-metropolitan regions, it's advantages towards the economy of a nation are far more pronounced.
It has become the moot issue whether the regime should be paid handsome remuneration to the famous personalities or it should be given to social workers such as doctors and teachers. However, distinct masses have a distinctive mindset. I accord myself to the later statement that medical personnel and professors deserved the enormous amount considering their respective work. The upcoming paragraphs will shed the lights on both views.
As cities continue to grow, especially in developing countries, their streets are becoming increasingly congested. While in many cases the situation is so severe that transit often grinds to a halt, there are some measures that can be taken to try to address this issue.
Media is an inevitable part of this modern society. That the famous personalities should not be followed by the media to click their photographs anywhere to made them viral which might create privacy concerns is a subject which provokes both stark opposition and great enthusiasm, and at times both become somewhat blurred. There are strong arguments on both sides of the debate. I will discuss these factors in upcoming paragraphs along with my view.
Obesity has become a global crisis and it is rising and affecting all the age groups. The major culprit for this problem is the overconsumption of unhealthy food and I think it can be resolved by increasing taxes for food and beverages.
Parenting has become a challenge these days as there is an increasing number of fathers who have become homemakers rather than acting as the customary breadwinner, which is now played by mothers. Financial difficulty is the foremost reason for this gender role reversals in rearing a family and in my opinion, this is a negative development.
There is a worrying trend that these days individuals work hard for a longer span every day and which effected their mental peace, and they feel under pressure.It is a trend ascribed in a number of reasons and must be addressed to a definite solution.
There are a lot of people who believe that having abundant funds are the only way to live a prosperous and happy life. According to me, this belief is so deeply entreched in their mind because a lot of cash enables them to buy physical goods, which makes them feel elated, nevertheless, an alternative option for staying happy is to have a higher sense of purpose.
Most of the individuals dream about having a bright professional and joyful family life together. But, there are several issues in managing both career and family. Although, it does not mean that these difficulties do not have any solution. In the following paragraphs, I am going to describe the problems and their remedies.
Today the trend of online study is way more popular than ever. Now, we have seen that there is an urge in the educational institutes which provide various study material online. This topic is debatable. In this essay we will discuss the various good aspects of this issue and why it may be bad on some fronts which we need to consider.
Certainly, roaming around the world have a huge benefit to all countries economic growth. furthermore travelling to different counties and knowing more about the customs and traditions of each one help in understanding others in a better way. However, it's might have some disadvantages on native citizens.
Obesity is such a huge problem for people today. It is also related to the quantity and quality of their activities. There are several reasons for these problems, and various methods could be taken by governments and individuals to improve the situation.
Nowadays, media outlets spread fake news through print, TV and electronic modes.This has a negative effect on the thinking and beliefs of the citizens of a nation. It also can change the direction of development of a society.
Nowadays, with the development of the internet and technologies, we would buy things without going to the shopping mall and also prefer various other ways to communicate, to "talk" to other people rather than waiting for weeks to receive a letter from our friends or meeting them face to face.
The concept of nuclear families started a decade ago and now it has become an ever-growing trend. People have started to view their parents as a burden and liability and not an asset, which I opine is highly unjustified. Consequently, comes the mindset of people who disregard their parents and want to be independent of the needs of their birth givers. However, I would not completely generalize this mind-set, since a lot of people do have distinguished approaches towards this particular subject. I firmly opine that it is the responsibility of the kid to manage the needs of their elders since it is a reciprocation of what was provided to them when they were helpless.
Because of urbanization,many people eager to live in metropolitan cities and it brings with itself a lot of issues.Overpopulation's trouble mainly happens due to densely area ratio.But,for my point of view,if goverment stimulates the population moved to the village this problem can be tackled.
These days, more and more people decide to leave their countries and immigrate to different places all over the world, this immigration play a major role in contemporary society. This essay will examine the main reasons and some possible effect of this trend.
People have different views about happiness, many people believe that personal happiness is outcome of having lots of money, while other people think that delight of people relies on other causes. This essay will consider both points of view.
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