IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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In modern society, although human life is completely dependent on the animals but people are killing them and animals are also in verge of extinction. Animals are hunted for house decoration, luxury products etcetra. This essay will discuss, why it is a very important to protect the animals and some measures for this cause must be taken.
Few recent decades, it is a prevailing trend that the depletion of water provision has posed a severe burden on almost global citizens. Some possible culprits behind this trend will be shed light on, meanwhile, several viable solutions can be proposed.
-Our past gives us an idea, how our ancestors or the species of humans have evolved from extinction in civilized societies. The history teaches us how human beings can still keep on evolving as a better race, developing a better world around them.From the early cave people to today’s man, the human race is still in the developing stage. In the past, people had to think about their hunger and how to keep up for providing for themselves and their loved one. Nowadays we are in the same turmoil and this will continue for generations, but we can learn from our past and keep on trying new and innovative ideas.
These days, the problem that children have a habit of binge-watching so-much-so television and easing up the active or creative things has been receiving a great deal of public attention. This could be attributed a whole host of reasons, and some feasible solutions.
People have contrary arguments about which type of climate is more convenient for enjoying life. While a group of people prefers to live in the cold temperature, I agree with the other group who accepts that climate with a high temperature degree is the most enjoyable climate.
In recent years, delaying parenthood has been receiving a great deal of public attention. Although this trend is not without advantages, the downsides will be more significant.
Advancements in technology have changed our lives, there's no denying that. It has also affected the means of communication and the interaction among people. In this essay, I will discuss various ways of how modern tech has shaped the lives of people.
Nowadays, the most significant concerns of mankind are to improve their living standard and how to make it convenient. Therefore, some people believe that the internet plays an influential role in their lives in terms of work and connection while others are concerned about negative impacts of its. I believe that the internet has both advantages and some severe disadvantages, in this essay they are discussed.
In this era, kids have developed more interest in watching televisions than before. The major reason behind this is the availability of a wide range of channels of their interests. However, to solve this problem parents can encourage their offsprings to take part in outdoor games to limit the access of television channels.
Nowadays, criminal activity is a common issue for any nation in the earth and is becoming increasing year by year. A case is an action which constitutes an offence and it is punishable by the law. There are several reasons that individuals lead to infraction such as high rates of unemployment and drugs I believe that authorities can decrease the criminal activities by improving the employment and installing CCTV cameras.
To get back from stress and fatigue, energetics are referred to as the most trusted ways which has inclined their usage to a great level. This trend has both benefits and harms and those will be discussed further.
In many countries famous people receive more income that politicians. The main reason of such disproportion is advertising contacts that are offered to stars. However, I am of a strong opinion that this is a positive trend because politicians are employed to serve the society and not to make money.
Employees to achieve their goals should not only depend on technical skills, also need to have interpersonal skills. Most of the employers believe that new starters lack basic interpersonal skills. This essay focuses on the causes for the reason and suggest the required solution.
People have divided opinions on what sort of penalties should be opted by law to avoid the outrageous crimes. Some people believe that the death penalty ought to be limited to hateful crime while others opine that life imprisoned is enough for such crimes. This essay will discuss both the views with suitable arguments.
The bar chart reveals information on reasons for choosing a university. Units are measured in percent
Recently there has been much interest in gaining a better understanding of the role the English language plays in modern citizen's life. It is believed that many students, nowadays, are migrating to urban cities and countries to acquire further education. In this essay, I will expound on the reason for this trend before providing justification for the importance of English in today's era.
Every other day in newspaper and television, there is augment in juvenile crime. There are numerous reason behind this few of them are hunger and media itself. In this essay we will discuss the detail cause behind this tremendous increase in the number of adolescent misdeed and what can be done to reduce it.
In the tech savvy world way of teaching has changed a lot. In the contemporary world, educational institutes urge that one must have their own laptop in the class. In this essay we will discuss whether having own PC in school is beneficial or drawback.
Nowadays, many senior citizens are losing their respect and do not get any facilities that given by their loved ones. This is because over confidence of youth and lack of morality. There are numerous effects may be occurred which discuss further.
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