IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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There is an ongoing debate going on amongst people regarding less meat consumption due to the scarcity of land and various other problems. Consuming Less animal fat can reduce this issue if stringent measures are taken. However, few people disagree this due to several other reasons. This essay will discuss the potential measures to reduce meat consumption with relevant supporting examples and in addition it will also discuss the possible after effects of these solutions.
For the last few decades, many individuals are migrating from small towns to urban areas for education and job.There are myriad reasons due to young people are going to far flung areas. Therefore, I believe that this development has ample number of advantages rather than disadvantages.
After finishing work, many people strive to carve out an independent private life and therefore eschew meeting colleagues socially. In my opinion, strong bonds with co-workers are justifiably common but it is more important to have a stable network of friends outside work.
These days, everyone wants to be famous. People are finding new ways to achieve this goal. From this, internet and television have emerged as necessary tools. Just like any other thing, they have both positive and negative sides. But, overall, I believe that it is a positive trend.
Traffic congestion is a major concern in metropolitan cities and towns. It increase the time cost of travellers to go to different destinations. However, most urban areas have not yet had the solution to solve this traffic problem.
In the so-called modern world, environmental degradation has been perpetually increasing despite the ample effort made by countries. Air pollution and deforestation are the most vulnerable causes for environmental problem. This essay will discuss in detail about those causes and possible solutions to overcome.
It is commonly believed that many companies struggle with communication skills within their employees. Today's corporate workers spend most of their time in closed offices in front of a computer or other electronic devices and are losing the ability to cooperate with a real human being. The change of employers' attitude toward the employees can be a solution for improving their interpersonal skills.
There is no doubt that the trend of using the Internet is for socializing purposes. It has become increasingly popular for the past two decades around the world. It is often believed that Social sites help the society to get closer together by connecting them to the outer world, however, others hold opposite opinions and say, no need to do outdoor activities, making them isolated.
There is no doubt that the trend of using the internet is for socializing purposes. It has become adorable for the past two decades around the world. It is often belive that internet helps the society to get closer together by connecting them to outer world, however, others hold opposite opinions and say, no need to do outdoor activities, making them isolated.
These days, the colossal upsurge in the purchasing of meals by school pupils from their learning premises is quite alarming. While some school of thought agrees that students buy healthy cuisine from their colleges due to the laid down regulations, others are of a contrary opinion with the reason that demands are too high. In my opinion, I disagree that learning institutions should provide poorly cooked dishes because it could result in adverse consequences on learners.
Living alone can be an option for everyone throughout the world. What makes people a choice of living on their own depends on their mentality, thoughts and conditions. Whether it is a good choice or not, the number of individuals living alone has recently risen rapidly. Although living lonely can help build your personality traits such as self-directed in a short term, development of this phenomenon may have serious consequences both in individuals and societies in long term.
The trend of leaving home after completing school is expanding because adolescents want to be independent, and I believe this is a positive development and beneficial for themselves,their family and to the society.
In the past, it was common for people to bear, grow up and die in the same community. But nowadays, the lifestyle of modern people is living in several different locations. Both benefits and detriments of both will be discussed.
It is undeniable that profession in pedagogy has not remained as popular as it used to be. Therefore, a large vaccum has been created in the education sector as every year only a few number of people are getting interested to sign up for this type of role. In this essay, both causes of this situation and possible solutions will be discussed with pertinent examples.
Children nowadays seem to focus less on their lessons in the school as they play games, use the mobile phones, talk to their classmates, and concentrate on the other surroundings during the class. In this essay, I shall give two major reasons and solutions for this problem.
It is true that nowadays new cultures are increasingly shifting and have shaped a similar one globally, despite the past. Globalization generally and advanced technologies, like the internet, are some compelling reasons for it. This development certainly has some advantages and disadvantages and I believe its bright points outweigh its negative ones since it creates new opportunities.
It is well known that nowadays children are spending a lot of time in front of smartphone and computer screens; as usual they are fond of games, videos and books. However, some people believe that it is much better for children to play traditional games rather than digital ones. This essay will consider some pros and cons regarding both methods.
Learning is co-terminus with life. Intellectual abilities vary from student to student. Many children are slow learners and take time to grasp things. It is believed by many that such students handle this problem themselves, whereas others believe that they should be guided by their teachers and parents to improve. In my opinion proper guidance to young learners will prove to be beneficial. The essay would explicate how parents and teachers can help.
The connections between people are negatively affected by various social media and technology. This essay will discuss the primary reasons behind this are mental disorders and extra time spent on the internet. However, these issues can be resolved with personal satisfaction and limited use of social media.
These days victimization to serious diseases as a consequence of limitless consumption of sugar is a common happening. There is an ongoing debate whether government or individuals should act to control this problem. This essay will analyze both aspects of the argument before reaching to a valid conclusion.
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