IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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The teacher plays a vital role in educating and shaping the future of our society. Unfortunately, teachers are losing its reputation due to poor quality and the amount of money they make as a living. The majority of people have a tendency to underrate the values of being a teacher which I strongly disagree with. I've wanted to become a teacher and I think it is time to redeem the value of the teachers and I'm willing to contribute in my own way.
Environmental degradation has been a global issue which different countries over the years has been tackling on how to resolve with little or no improvement. The degradation of our environment is caused by both nature and human activities and the solution would involve the government making deliberate effort such as enacting laws and process that would make our environment more conducive for human existence.
There is no doubt the secret of health always leads to a healthy lifestyle. Thousands of people opine that persons are accountable themselves to keep maintain a good health and diet. While others hold this view and consider that it is government's responsibility to ensure that their citizens stay healthy. I will both views in the following paragraphs.
I have been interested in art and design since I was a child. However, here in Taiwan, if you can be an engineer or a doctor, you are encouraged to be one, and I was no exception. During high school, I was influenced by my peers, changing my career path to engineering. In 2016, I selected mechanical engineering as my major. It didn't take me long to realize that I was not good at the discipline I had chosen. Not knowing what I was capable of doing, nor did I know what I like, I could not be more lost and frustrated.
There are numerous instances of individuals who drop out school and became as prominent entrepreneurs or be more successful than people who follow their education completely. This happens because these people pursued their goals and it might be one of the main causes of success.
It is common these days for elderly people who need a job to compete with youth for the same type of career. This issue may eventually lead to some problems and some steps should be taken to mitigate the related impacts.
Nowadays, there are many options available to live with your family or alone. Some people believe that flats are more convenient than row houses, while others think exactly opposite of this aspect. As per my point of view both options have similar advantages and disadvantages, and this essay will discuss both of them with the conclusion at the end.
Cybercrime is a cause of widespread concern today, as so many people use technology to store and transmit sensitive data. There are a number of problems that people suffer as a result of these crimes, but also some straightforward measures we can take to protect ourselves. Perhaps the worst problem stemming from this is the financial impact. If someone has his or her bank account emptied, or has false credit lines created under their name, they are potentially liable for large sums of money. Even if they can avoid the consequences, their bank or finance company has to cover the losses, which can damage their performance. A further problem is the way in which these stolen funds are used to subsidize other crimes, such as drug distribution or even terrorism. Once the money enters the criminal networks, we have no way of knowing how it will be used. Finally, there is the problem of anxiety and stress caused to the innocent victims of these crimes. The initial shock is often f...
In this contemporary era, developing nations are using immigration as a tool to attract talented and intellectual minds for boosting their social economic growth. A plethora of individuals wish to relocate to prosperous countries in order to attain a secure future. As per my opinion, it is a great opportunity for both, the country and the individual moving there. In this essay, I will explain the causes and benefits of immigration.
In contemporary society, adults are inclined to delay having children until they reach their middle age. In this essay, I would like to demonstrate several reasons for this tendency and discuss that its drawbacks outweigh its benefits.
Science is a subject which is always progressing every day. In recent times not many students are opting to study it in their respective universities across different nations. This essay will help identify the reasons for this and point out the effects of the same society.
The country has the different value in people’s mind due to their artistic collection & encouraging the laurels and fancy work of artists such as Paris, London, and many more. But it is true that, in some countries, people who visit the art galleries their rate is gradually descending. Many factors affecting them. Thus, I shall discuss why individuals do not visit the museum, in further paragraphs.
Cyber crime is a cause of widespread concern today, as so many people use technology to store and transmit sensitive data. There are a number of problems that people suffer as a result of these crimes, but also some straightforward measures we can take to protect ourselves.
I have been interested in art and design since I was a child. However, here in Taiwan, if you can be an engineer or a doctor, you are encouraged to be one, and I am no exception. During my high school years, I was influenced by my peers, starting to change my career path to engineering. In 2016, I selected mechanical engineering as my major. It didn’t take me much time to realize that I was not good at the discipline I had chosen. Not knowing what I am capable of doing, nor do I know what I like, I could not be more lost and frustrated.
Gone are the days when teenagers were not appreciated by their parents, while, these days, parents tend to give money as gifts. Many a sceptic believes that this could bring negative implications on teenagers future life, however both sides are discussed below and an inference is arrived at end.
Undoubtedly, it has been noticed that less educated people succeed early as compared to those who have formal education . The reasons behind this achievement along with the traits to gain success will be discussed in further paragraphs.
In today’s modern world, in recent times, it has been a controversial issue frequently generating a great deal of heated debate whether some parts of the world, the students graduating their high school should take a gap between school and institutions with the aim of working or travelling. However, in my opinion, it is not so positive idea to begin university life one year later.
A lot of uncultivated mammalian are on the edge of disappearance and others are on the line of jeorpady. This is as a result of poaching, and fortunately there is a way to curb this problem, which is restricted hunting law.
These days, due to the technology of Machine transcription life become much effortless during the correspondence with people from other cultures and it's become much easier to communicate in this global world. There are lots of advantages and disadvantages of using machines for explanation. This essay will put a light on some of these.
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