IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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These days victimization to serious diseases as a consequence of limitless consumption of sugar is a common happening. There is an ongoing debate whether government or individuals should act to control this problem. This essay will analyze both aspects of the argument before reaching to a valid conclusion.
One of the most interesting topics circulating across the globe is obesity. Obesity is the major concern in every nation. However, the recent statistics from The Global Health Organization shows that rich countries are the most affected. There are some enormous ways to control this, such as, proper food habits and diet. This essay will explain few possible ways to control at early stages by taking references from various case studies conducted by medical universities in the world.
In the prevailing scenario, crimes are drastically increased all over the world, this is due to people valued for money rather than the values and relations. According to me, youngsters are not getting enough support from their parents as well as from the teachers, whereas some adolescents attracted to the bad habits through their friends.
Poverty is a thing that nobody is happy about. Many countries have people living below poverty line and they keep trying various approaches to deal with poverty and try to reduce overall poverty rate. This essay should discuss the factors accounting for world poverty and several ways to alleviate the situation.
The amount of individuals who are at a danger of major health issues because of obesity is growing. This essay will firstly suggest that lack of importance towards fitness is the principle cause of this problem and secondly, creating a sense of awareness for the same is a possible solution.
Few populations think that the government should prohibit dangerous sports, even when some people think they can play the sport of their choice. I agree with the first statement that the government should ban dangerous sports. The essay will firstly discuss why it should be banned and secondly examples related to that topic. Firstly, dangerous sports should be not be allowed because it can cause the loss of someone's life and secondly people to get influenced by such things if they watch th...
Presently, in the World, in some countries, people are having their children after few years of their marriage. I will shine some light on this topic in the essay below.
Now that we can buy just about anything with a few mouse clicks from the comfort of our home, very few people actually feel the need to venture into brick and mortar stores. There is no denying the fact that online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping. This trend has both positive and negative aspects.
In recent years, there is a noticeable movement for the majority of people who endeavour to travel away overseas, besides, some countries open the doors for immigrant people while others reject the notion, in this essay I will elaborate the pros and cons to travelling freely between countries.
Youth crime is becoming increasingly serious in many nations.Although teenager crime threaten many societies over the globe.However, its effect can be combated successfully by taking some normal steps.This essay looks at the problem and also suggest some solution to the issues.
Obesity has been a serious issue now-a-days. A considerable amount of population has been affected by various health related problems due to being obese. This essay will now discuss the causes leading to overweight and in addition, will also provide some potential solutions in order to counter them.
The divorce rate is increasing in many places. I believe that the breakdown of the extended family and the stresses of work are the major causes of this situation. Fortunately, although these issues have led to a rise in the divorce rate, there are ways we can solve this problem.
The level of felony among youth has certainly intensified in recent years all over the world. There are myriad of causes for this expansion and fortunately we have quite a few suggestions/solutions to solve the issue.
Nowadays, stress is a common problem among people, life is becoming more stressful then before. In this essay I will discuss why life has become so difficult and how this situation can change.
Dust free drinking, aqua is the least valuable, but high in need. There are ample of sources of Adams ale including river, lake, ocean. Although, fresh rain with acceptable salt and nutrients is scarce. There are ample of necessities where clean drink is mandatory, the responsible authorities should put their eye on the subtle problem, as well as the bodies responsible for this high requirement should put their hands together and help the government. The need for more drinkable drink has risen due to impeccable reasons, the rain management community with the citizens of the country should take a role in this situation.
One must agree that mother earth is battling with the serious adverse affects of climatic changes, increase in population and lack of education in many countries. My nation, India will have two major problems in the next decade, first being population and education.This essay will discuss the problems in detail and the solutions for the same.
In modern life, visiting art galleries are decreased. Today, people are neglect to the art. This essay will discuss the reasons why visit art galleries are decreasing and how can we solve that problem. I represent some ways to solve those problems.
In recent times, it has been observed that cars are driven by artificial intelligence. This is to reduce the workload of humans and it should be seen as a positive initiative as it is helping us to make roads safer than before.
Youth has an expectation of a living long-lasting life in a comparison to an older generation because of some concrete reasons that people cannot avoid. Let us dig deeper in order to understand the pros and cons of this situation and, which we will discuss in the following essay.
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