IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, life in a metropolitan city is extremely hectic. There are several aspects behind restless lifestyle. Hence, this essay will discuss few causes behind it and different ideas to prevent problems for individuals.
These days, our planet goes through some radical changes and not in a good way. Global temperatures are rising to unprecedented heights. The biggest influence causing these problems are non-other, than the humanity itself. This essay will look at the reasons for what might cause the unseen heat and also propose some solution for it.
It's a bitter truth that many people try to immigrate to another country every year for a variety of reasons; Now this migration can be forced or optional, but the common denominator of all of them is getting better and living a brighter future. I need to point out that many conditions play a role in a person's asylum, such as belief and belief, poverty, oppression, political and social conditions, natural conditions, etc., which have been one of the most important reasons for many people in the world to seek refuge during these years.
In the last decades, in the majority of western countries, drug is used with any limits. From my point of view, this is a huge problem because it involves not only older people, who are mature and conscious about what they do, but particularly teenagers.
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is celebrities earn a good living better than statesmen. This essay will first discuss that an idol has a significant number of fan groups, who help the best up - and – coming person to make a success of a financial budget and, secondly, it is a favorable growth when your natural and skillful talent merits deservedly.
In the recent past, it is often argued that some of the people who leave school at an early age tend to be more successful in life as compared to the people who follow the whole education process. In my opinion, the students who dropout from colleges and universities have a clear vision about what they want to do in their life. In this essay, I will discuss the various possible reasons behind the success of such individuals.
Regardless, people have some primary need, eating, sleeping, safe area etc. But in this age some countries are living on good circumstance, some countries are living opposite situation. It depends on the economic and political relationship. Agriculture has been developed, but many people still go hungry around the world.
International tourism has been continuously growing and become one of the leading economic sectors of many countries all over the world. This essay will discuss about the causes of this phenomenon, as well as its effects.
Nowadays, the number of people who choose online shopping is increasing day by day, whether they need to purchase books, tickets or groceries, instead of going to the actual shops,where these items can be found. In this essay, I will discuss the fact that this type of shopping, definitely has more benefits than drawbacks.
Nowadays, more students choose to study abroad than ever before. Though, studying oversea has benefits not only for the students, but for the government and their countries, it has some noticeable drawbacks.
Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home countries and move to another place, because of volume of reasons to travel such as studying, working or to settle in. While travelling has a significant impact on the personal life and the home country economies, it has its disadvantages in losing national culture and destroying family bonds. In the following lines, both the positives and negatives of the internet will be thoroughly discussed
It is indisputable that the tourism commerce has become one of the key sectors in bringing tremendous profit to many nations throughout the globe. Simultaneously, these have also sparked an apprehensive consequence for indigenous residents. This essay is to pinpoint both the potential influence and unavoidable outcomes of travelling itself.
It is undeniably true that the fitness level of individuals, nowadays, has deteriorated as compared to the past. This is due to poor lifestyle habits, which we will examine in this essay and suggest some steps that can mitigate this problem.
As the size of the tourism industry has rapidly increased in recent times, a considerable number of people have argued that numerous meaningful historical places have been damaged by tourists, leading them to harder to protect. This essay will briefly explain some of the main reasons for this situation and give some suggestions to overcome this substantial problem.
The majority of time people spend most of the time at work, and there are plenty of different jobs which require to wear uniforms. This essay will discuss how the appearance of workers is important, and it will tell how uniforms can cause some problems and dissatisfactions at work.
In the 21st century, it became common to go to another country to study, this is easier today, because it has become more accessible. Since the children are young, many parents plan to send them abroad when they grew up. Like everything in life, this has its advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this essay.
I grew up in an environment where children were not properly cared for. In West Africa, where I was born and raised, there are children dying of curable diseases. In this century, it was surprising that some diseases can still cause deaths and deformities in the lives of this new generation. It’s been a very sad experience growing up seeing younger generations not getting proper health care due to improper care and poor facilities. It brings me to tears and I have always asked myself questions on how I can fill the gap and provide my own quota to what is lacking and give my own contribution to the young beautiful souls.
It is irrefutable that there is continuous fall in the age of young offenders, which is increasing atrocity at an alarming rate. The need of the hour is to control it as soon as possible and for that it is imperative examining the main reasons of this severe issue. To commence with the primary cause of this atrocity is unemployment in many countries, which dragged young children of many unemployed families in the dar...
Since the technology has came into existence, News has became one of the essential source of information for the people. However, News are being delivered to us by the journalists although, there has been many cases of delivering misleading news in terms of responsibilities and ethics. This essay will discuss a brief argument on the journalists how trust-worthy they are?
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