IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 6

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At present, there are various criminal activities going on in most of the countries. Among which fraud is becoming increasingly popular in different parts of the World. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward several solutions for this issue.
Labour-saving devices like dishwashers and communication tools such as computers and smartphones are believed not only benefit people in their daily lives but also help reduce burden of working. Nevertheless, some opponents argue that these mechanisms only make them more troublesome. This essay will discuss how modern technology is a boon to mankind in many great ways.
Few people consider that schools must teach children to be competitive in nature. However, some reckon that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete, advance to more useful adults. In my opinion competition is necessary as it helps in providing, children the most important skills for their future.
A section of the society are ardent believers in government pursuing economic growth as a primary objective. However, the others opine that the government should channelize its efforts on increasing the standards for the under-privileged. Hence, this essay will evaluate both the views of the society.
A section of the society are ardent believers of government pursuing economic growth as a primary objective. However, the others opine that the government should channelize its efforts on increasing the standards for the under-privileged. Hence, this essay will evaluate both the views of the society.
There is an increasing trend of recorded wild animals that are almost extinct, and some species have already vanished. Behind these circumstances, a lot of reasons are associated, and a solution is significantly in need to address this pressing problem.
Education is the third eye of every human. In yester years, women were under the four walls of the house, whereas, nowadays girls have received the opportunity to attend education institutions. I shall discuss the service reason behind this and this trend should need to be replaced.
Nowadays, The majority of the population finds it difficult to balance their professional and private life due to a number of reasons such as long job hours, workload, and improper working practice. However, this issue can be halted with some good plans. In this essay I will shed light on some points what caused really unbalanced work and private lives in modern society and how to tack with this rising issue.
A family is usually a unit of people bound primarily by blood. However, blood alone seems to be insufficient in this day and age to keep the intimate link between families. Although numerous reasons contribute to this phenomenon, certain solutions if followed can help greatly in strengthening the family ties again.
Undoubtedly, time by time people who appreciate art are expressing less interested in it than it used to be, as a result for it statistics shows that the number of arts centres visitors are considerately decreasing all around the work. In this essay, I shall refer to my point of view reason why it might be happening as well as some practical solutions, which can be embraced in order to solve this issue.
There is no shadow of doubt that juvenile delinquency among youngesters is progressively set on the rise around the globe. This essay will discuss why this is happening and suggest some possible measures that can be taken to alleviate this.
Currently, a lot of machine is capable of doing task which human used to do because of the increased use and development of new technology. The major advantage of this trend is the consistent output of the task and a significant drawback can be considered the cost of the machine.
Indeed, its a well known fact that shades influence the feeling of individuals who look at them, both consciously as well as subconsciously. Thus, the colour schemes should be taken into consideration while decorating sites such as hospitals and offices.It's been scientifically proven that that looking at certain combinations of colour help body to heal quickly and feel more refreshed for longer, whereas watching a dull combination of these can have completely opposite effects.
It is undeniable that, due to advancement of technology across the globe, some machines are indeed adopted by human beings to cook their eating items within the flick of the eyes. Haw the regular life of people has been influenced by this, that we will discuss in the upcoming paragraphs of this essay.
Globalization has led to foreign tourists to visit all over the world. Foreign tourism is having a bad effect on the ecology and aboriginals of visiting places. This tourism has affected the world in both negatively and positively ways. There are many bad things which overpower the good things of international tourism.
In our modern world, people have already lost the communicational aspect because of the high technology development. Regarding to this today in our society the way of making relationships have changed significantly and it is still an unanswered question is raising usage of technologies is an advantage or disadvantage.
Nowadays,young adults living in some parts of the world are less likely to enjoy a decent life even though they are financially healthy. This essay intends to discuss the reasons for this and suggest some solutions to alleviate the problem.
Many people around the world agree to the fact that families nowadays do not spend a lot of time together, the way they used to spend earlier. Improper work-life balance and a hectic schedule are the main culprits due to which family members are unable to spend time with their loved ones. However, the situation can be improved by introducing certain corporate rules to ensure a balanced lifestyle and by altering the work timings or introducing work from home policies so as to avoid busy schedules.
The teacher plays a vital role in educating and shaping the future of our society. Unfortunately, teachers are losing its reputation due to poor quality and the amount of money they make as a living. The majority of people have a tendency to underrate the values of being a teacher which I strongly disagree with. I've wanted to become a teacher and I think it is time to redeem the value of the teachers and I'm willing to contribute in my own way.
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