IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In this present world, many people think to have a baby late in their life while others think to have a baby earlier. This essay completely agrees with the suggestion that having babies early in life. In this essay,we will discuss the advantages as well as the disadvantages and mention my opinion regarding this.
It is said that people these days are more interested in communicating online, buying items online, or chatting with friends, than engaging directly with each other. There are some apparent reasons for this kind of trend corresponding to the advanced technology. From my perspective, this could be either good and bad development depending on specific circumstances which will be explained further in the next paragraphs.
According to a few people, it is a teacher's duty to teach ethics to their students; however, others think that it is a parent's job to train them. In my opinion, it is both teacher and parent who should guide these young ones to behave better and grow up to be ethical because they spend a lot of time at the school due to their working parents but as teaching starts from home at a very young age, the family must also include themselves in it.
In many countries, children are given liberty to pursue their interest and likings and in some nations, they are compelled to follow rules and regulations drafted by their folks. Parenting and disciplining children is one of the toughest jobs and this essay will examine the extended idea of strict rules on youngbloods.
In recent times, many individuals dream about having a successful professional job and also a joyful family. However, there are several issues faced in managing both a job and a family, although, it does not mean that these difficulties do not have any solutions. In the following paragraphs, I am going to describe the problems and their remedies.
In this modern era, masses tend to maintain a balance between a better career and a happy living. As a result, people often suffer from various health ailments and mental problems . However, to tackle these major issues people should invest some fixed time in physical workout and meditation.
Many people today earn a living by having a job and sometimes they even have to work two jobs. However, there is a myriad of things that can influence an individual's attitude towards work, such as the amount earned in wages, satisfaction at work and the opportunity to render assistance to others. Moreover, there are a couple of factors that can motivate a person to perform well at the workplace and this essay will examine these factors.
Obesity is one of the major problems in many children from the rich and developed countries. Unhealthy food consumption is considered as the main cause for such change which can lead to many health hazards like heart problems which disturb their normal life.
It is often argued that people acquire talents by birth in sports and music not by learning the skills to become successful. While many people support this, I believe, to become a famous sportsperson or an artist, it needs strong determination and practice and any children with these qualities can excel in these fields.
Immigration has brought so many changes in the past couple of years across the world. It is really emphasizing the people to change their mind. In my opinion,there are many reasons why people preferring to migrate to some other countries.
People using automobiles own purposes has enhanced every day and habituate in vehicles driving or riding creates a lot of afflictions. Even though we should encourage people to use cars. This easy will discuss the troubles of operating the mechanical conveyance and also describe the solution of decreasing this torment.
In most schools around the world, students have their own mobile contact. While these devices can undoubtedly play a role in safety, connectedness and even learning, many schools have chosen to restrict their operation on campus. In my view, this is a positive step and can bring benefits not only academically but physically and socially too.
Thanks to technological breakthroughs, especially in the realm of the internet, providing us with plenty of facilities. Now people not only have access to the numerous platforms to get information also can have communication. Undoubtedly, the internet has been improving our lives in many aspects. This essay will be delved into this matter and will provide some key reasons for this.
Nowadays, always more people tend to buy and own items by famous brand instead of buying items by local shop or artisans. This happens due to the enormous expansion that the international market had during recent years.
Nowadays, a healthy lifestyle is getting progressively popular among all people around the globe. Overall, it is a great course and as far as we know, a lot of modern citizens want to follow this image, because they have got many advertisements and pressure from mass media. Additionally, in terms of involving new individuals, this strategy has to be prolonged, plus it would be very efficient to include special sport and educational programmes into a free package, which will be accessible for all citizens. Moreover, provide an affordable cost of healthy food in order to ensure, that they have an equal price with fast food and other insalubrious products.
Nowadays, a healthy lifestyle is getting progressively popular among all people around the globe. Personally, from my point of view, it is a great course and as we see now, a lot of modern citizens want to follow this image. Overall, they are even under psychological presser, because they have got many advertisings and as mass media information. Additionally, in terms of involving new individuals, this strategy has to be prolonged, plus it would be very efficient to include special sport and educational programmes into a free package which will be accessible for all citizens. Moreover, provide an affordable cost of healthy food in order to ensure that they have an equal price with fast food and other insalubrious products.
People have different views about how bad situations should manage and what to do right. There are two ways to control unexpected cases; accept it whatever happened or try to change how it supposed to be. I tend the agree with the view of bad status can handle it if we ignore and decide to develop.
It is an irrefutable fact, that people from all over the world are becoming more sedentary today. There are fundamental reasons why people are getting fat and ill. The following up paragraphs will explain the arguments and I will come up with an answer to this topic.
It is believed by psychologists that colours play a significant impact on human health and mind and can affect the feelings of them. This statement is affirmative, hence one should be careful enough while decorating the rooms where people live and work.
It is an undeniable fact that that a lot of people, especially in western countries, are suffering from excruciating health problems like high blood pressure and cholesterol due to obesity. This essay will consider the myriad reasons behind this deplorable trend and thereby elicit some feasible solutions.
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