IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Most people are comfortable staying in a villa while others find more comfort in condominiums. In my opinion, houses are the end goal for everyone who wants to start a new life and have some private space that they call their own but apartments are easier to manage and better for those who have a hectic work schedule.
It has been said that fewer adolescents across the world are taking science and its applied for their major in their educational institutions. This essay will suggest the background of this occurrence and the effects on communities.
The present era, where technology plays a vital role in all conceivable domains of life, it has become evident that films have become an integral part of life for one’s enjoyment. Due to much graphics in movies, it is quite true that there is a possibility of showing non-real scenes as real. Because of this modern technology most of the scenes are made with more violence when compared to normal shoots. Today’s cinemas are such that it impacts more on society. This essay will discuss the problems and how they can be lowered.
Nowadays people go to big shopping malls even to get small things, as a result, local shops are affected as it goes to the extent of closure. Though Stepping into large malls and centres seems like growth, the non-existence of small scale industries shows the negative shade in the development. This essay is going to analyse the positive and negative aspects in terms of attracting tools, location, price & increase in status quo.
One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that youth prefers to consume energy drinks in order to relax and rejuvenate the moods. There is a widespread worry that this leads to a myriad of concerns in one's life. However, the consumption of power drinks has both pros and cons which will discuss in this essay.
Human society develops with a heavy cost on the animal world. A vast number of different species are being pushed to the verge of extinction. Rapid industrialization along with rampant illegal hunting are the driving forces behind such a tragedy; and ordinary people should join with governments in an effort to protect wild, endangered animals.
Crime has become an increasing concern around the world, and a lot of money is being spent on the detection and punishment of these activities. More disturbing is the alarming fact that in several countries, more and more young people are involved in criminal acts. This essay will discuss in detail the motivation behind this phenomenon and put forward several solutions for this issue.
A majority of people are apparently of the opinion that the temperate zones are more comfortable compared to tropical areas for living as they will have all four seasons to enjoy. However, I believe that there are more benefits with respect to drawbacks while live in temperate zones.
During recent years, it has been an obvious observation that the parents stress more than needed for the their children to get succeed in their studies and careers. Increasing competition in life turns out to be the main concern behind this stressed lifestyle.
Nowadays, fast food is commonly topic discussed. Even though doctors all over the world alert that is bad for health, the number of consumers increase day by day. This essay shall point out some reasons why people decide to eat this kind of meal and what can be done about it.
The number of private schools is increasing in the last few years because the education quality and the parents trust more in private than in publics one. In some countries people believe that private schools should receive government funding, equalising the level of training. Also keep the parents out of any excessive cost about the study and providing equality information for all.
Tourism has become one of the most profitable parts of the economy in many cities. Many new developments are made to ensure steady flow of tourists in the areas such as new programs are added to the list for entertainment purposes, improving the quality of food, accommodations at affordable prices and much more.
A growing number of studies across the globe are finding an increase in the number of obese people in the society. This is a problem that is affecting, not only adults but children also. In this essay, we will analyse the reasons behind the rise in obesity and potential solutions to address the problem.
In a growing number of countries, it has been seen that regional governments have been encouraging businesses to relocate from metropolises to less developed areas. While the movement of companies to regional areas can boost employment and expand those places, businesses might face some challenges in terms of employing a skilled workforce and profits which might constitute relevant disadvantages.
It is noticeable that travelling trends have changed drastically. A couple of decades ago, exploring different places for whatsoever reason was not as common as today. Number of travellers, currently, are hitting the peak due to numerous reasons, and its pros to individuality cannot be ignored.
Nowadays, it is observed that many animals are endangered and many are on the verge of extinction. There are plethoras of reasons behind it, for which a plenty of solutions can be followed to save them.
There has been a rise of people flocking to the shopping centre instead of the local shops. It is because customers have multiple options to shop at a commercial centre rather than in a roadside store. Many positives can be looked at this development, although few demerits can be overlooked for a thriving economy
Due to the rapid urbanization, many people in the metro cities have started facing several difficulties in living their lives because of the pollution, overcrowded population, highly competitive markets for employment. In my opinion, government officials should take initiatives to resolve all such problems by providing organized structures and improving the conditions of smaller towns.
In recent years, there is an increasing number of people who decide to delay having children. The reason for this can be, the better living standard and higher pressure in daily life. However, this can have a bad impact on themselves, surrounding people and even the society.
Nowadays, earning a degree in foreign countries is widely popular among students all around the world, as contributing a significant career opportunities later on. Even though, more and more people might struggle with cultural and linguistic challenges. In the following paragraph, this essay will discuss both its benefits and drawbacks in detail.
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