IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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It is a dream of each individual to have an empire on his or her name. If I get an opportunity to select between home and commerce, I will go for the latter over the former one.
Travelling abroad or migrating to any other country has become a trend. Nowadays people are more interested in working or study abroad for their career benefits,although it has some positive & negative sides.
Lately, many local small retail stores have gone out of business due to the lack of customers as most purchasers buy their commodities at the supermarkets or megamalls these days. Although such a phenomenon has brought some conveniences, I believe, overall, this is a negative development as it has severe impacts on the life of the local community.
Robbing and looting incidents are rapidly burgeoning ubiquitously. Some people prefer not to roam on roads to keep themselves safe from thefts; nevertheless, these are still continued. Although roadside looting can decrease, thefts can be controlled by installing securities and cameras in houses.
Visiting different countries have become the most prefered leisure for people in the past few decades. Although any nation has profited from tourists it is concerning for some alluring guest from other countries affects the local societies and natural habitats. There are many businesses that are benefited from tourists as they tend to spend capital in exchange for services and the state get the share in terms of taxes. In my opinion, the advantages of hosting visitor can outweigh the disadvantage by placing rules and regulations by the authority.
In recent years, the proportion of children who are struggling with overweight problems has grown dramatically in the last decade in Western countries. This essay will expose the causes and effects of this trend.
Nowadays, Online shopping is gaining popularity and an increasing number of people are purchasing items on the Internet such as books, flight tickets and groceries because of many benefits that individuals get. Time-saving and lucrative offers are the biggest advantages of this trend, however, lack of authenticity is the only visible disadvantage of it.
Nowadays the use of soft drinks is rapidly increasing among customers as this is the consequences of advertisements by companies dealing in such products but whereas, it is badly affecting the health of people with the inclusion of more sugar content in such products. However, there are many measures required to be taken to tackle the issue and in this essay, we will talk about all of these.
It is true that a number of companies boost their sales by using advertisements. In my opinion, the impacts of advertising on society are largely positive and for an advert to be successful, it has to meet certain criteria.
Globally, a multitude of medical experts wish to migrate to areas in order to earn more , however, this trend is leaving undeveloped parts deprived of the medical experts. This essay will examine some of the key factors contributing to this major concern and suitable suggestions to curb this issue.
All of us have kept hearing that, if we don’t have a good job, we will not have the “Perfect” life that we want. For this reason, we grow up focused on work and win, but most the people in the world cannot have a balance of life, leaving aside the most important which is “Live”. Working long hours have more advantage or more disadvantage, this will be covered in the essay.
People differ in their opinion regarding the manner in which they want to help society. While many people prefer to provide aid to the underprivileged living in their local community, others donate to the NGO’s. In my opinion, both methods have their merits.
In the contemporary era, the numbers of young population in some part of the world are outweighed in comparison to elder people. These can be advantageous or disadvantageous, but in my opinion, this is a positive outcome, which outnumbers the demerits. The following paragraphs will elucidate the benefits of this majority's population.
Some people think that parents must combine their children with during spare time, whereas other says that will have a detrimental effect on them. The essay will discuss both debates and give a concluding point of view.
The trend of drugs consumption has been spiking among the younger generation. This is not only dangerous to society, but personally debilitating to them. Although there are several factors triggering the spike, certain measures help us to mitigate them. This essay will analyse the reasons behind the increase in drug-usage and necessary steps to flatten the curve.
Today we have a lot of different brands, companies, marks and so on. And all these companies have special advertisements which can help to grow up sales. In this essay, I'm going to write about the most effective advertisements and how it is the уffect in society.
In recent years, there is a growing trend towards bearing children late in life? This phenomenon is attributable to a host of reasons and I believe that its benefits overshadow demerits
In most countries,there are two types of educational establishments that are available to people. The first one is private schooling which charges a hefty price and has better facilities while the second one is the public schools which do not have the same quality but charge less in return. There are many who believe that private schools should receive financial funds from the authority; however, not everyone shares the same view. This essay will explain why private schools should not be taking or expecting any financial assistance from the government by offering two reasons and examples.
Online shopping in various categories of goods is trending more these days for its vast accessibility and availability to everyone. In my opinion, the advantageous for this system is pretty high when compared to the disadvantages, because they are multiple plus points of it such as, providing an opportunity many people, who are unable to visit and purchase the necessary items, can order it through the internet. The only disadvantage I see fit is the quality of a few products as we are unable to hand pick.
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