IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Walking is known as the best remedy for all health issues. In this fast-paced era, a nation is so busy to build their wealth that they forget to take care of their valuable asset “health”. There are various reasons behind this trend which I will discuss in the further essay with some solutions.
For people who are, at least, concerned, it is easy to search the Internet and discover web pages containing articles discussing crime. The point of view supposes that the international court system could not affect the level of crime all over the world because it always depends on the particular country and surrounded environment. I am inclined to think that this idea does not reflect my point of view, and I am going to represent different aspects of this by my essay.
In the modern ear, utilizing smartphone’s app has become increasingly popular in many nations, especially some of the communities considering registering in-app are mandatory to pay their fees or bills. Firstly, this essay will discuss the benefits of considering these apps as a method of paying things. Secondly, the impact of using this development on societies.
In the modern ear, youngsters prefer to leave their parent’s house when they completed high school. This conspicuous trend has negative consequences on both parents as well as their children. In this essay, we will demonstrate why these phenomena have more disadvantages than advantages, including encountering the risks that might the teenagers face them alone away from their family.
The rate of men and women who want to become secondary schools educators is decreasing in many states. The main cause of this dilemma is that they get below average salary and the most viable solution is that the government make a law that will ensure that they will get more than average income.
There is a saying "We are never too late to learn anything in life". The world is at a stage where upgrading is the key to success. And career being the focal point, the required background has always been in debate for many generations. In this essay we will highlight why people are changing jobs, and how certain negative impacts we see in this case.
Nowadays, life becomes more complicated compared with the past years. As a result, parents are forced to work long hours or continue their work that has not finished at home which is effecting the time that should parents spend it with their kids and utilizing some method that might be harmful like TV to attract their kids to keep silent. This essay will discuss the reason behind this conspicuous trend and how it will affect the kids.
There is no doubt that today we are becoming poorer at the health, while richer at the wealth. However, this mode could have devastating effects on the beings. This essay shall shred light on various reasons responsible for it as well as present some solution to this scenario in the end.
In recent years, it is apparent that the numbers of charity advertisements have been increased by leaps and bounds. A greater and ever-increasing reach of charity advertisements has become concerned for a few people, whereas others see them as an encouraging development. In this essay, I shall discuss both the sides of this notion and I shall also present a rationale behind my opinion on this topic, that I see it as a positive development.
In modern society, many couples tend to become parents at a later stage of their life. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, which have a significant impact on both family and community.
Humans are developing modern technology to decrease the effort of all modes of chores, eventually,these inventions are making us lazy than ever before. Mechanization is introduced in order to reduce the stress for sure. Additionally, robotics made our lifestyle to level up in several ways such as doing households, communication, transportation, education, employment etc. Therefore this development is never a disadvantage in my opinion.
Staying healthy is very important for prolonged life. It is often said that a healthy human being is that who eats healthy, exercises on a regular basis and avoids stress in life. I totally agree with this idea and will be sharing my views regarding the same.
In this contemporary era, the internet has made our life comfortable and we can now complete our day-to-day-tasks at a faster pace. Internet is being used by all the sectors like manufacturing industries, educational field and defence. This essays shall discuss the applications of the internet and its advantages, along with relevant examples from my own experience.
As is apparent, indoor activities are more preferred by youngsters these days. It can be easily seen that they spend the majority of their valuable time staying inside by performing activities including computer games, gaming console, watching TV, to name a few. I personally opine that this is a sheerly negative approach for them. This essay elucidates this causative factor in detail with supporting instances.
Many countries of the world are currently experiencing problems caused by rapidly growing populations in urban areas. However, this problem can be tackled by the government. This essay will discuss the cause and solution in the following paragraphs.
There are many proofs supporting, that the global rise in temperature is the result of human's doing. Some of these are increasing population and activities like deforestation, planting factories who emit carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The governments should step forward and enforce new laws to protect our environment, otherwise, the earth will get so hot that living on it cannot be possible.
It is a well know fact that human creatures and the way they live is the main cause of the global warming on this beautiful planet. This essay discusses the human factors contributing to the temperature changes and the ways to lessen and possibly overcome these problems.
In today's world, a private vehicle is the most popular type of transportation among the population. Some people consider that this might cause some environmental problems and new measures have to be introduced in order to overcome this issue.
Even though humans have already researched the negative consequences of carbohydrate drinks, people are still drinking it. In this essay, I will examine the two primary causes associated with drinkable liquids that contain sweet substances and suggest a viable explanation before coming to a reasoned conclusion.
One of the most conspicuous things about today's world is the discussion between people about spending money on sports and cultural events and if it can be viewed as a boon or detrimental to society. While there are disadvantages splurging finances on the activities, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In this essay, I shall discuss both views and present my arguments.
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