IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Nowadays, recycling of waste materials such as paper and glass is a critical issue for the global society. However, some countries still have difficulties due to multiple reasons. This essay will explain that with examples as well as providing some solutions.
Nowadays the number of overweight people is increasing at an alarming rate between all age groups. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this epidemic and how to manage this problem.
Nowadays automobile congestions on the road have become a common problem in the urban areas all across the globe. Moreover, this issue is somewhat affecting the quality of living of the working individuals. This essay will discuss a few main reasons responsible for this issue and suggest some solutions to it, followed by a conclusion.
In this modern era, being a famous personality is a humungous achievement in itself. Moreover, there is a great debate about earning standards of various celebrities and the political people. In this essay, I will discuss the various reasons why celebs are getting richer than the bureaucrats and the negative impact of the situation.
in contemporary society,the people are working more than the past ,as well as they do not focus on their family. the main problem to this increasing competition to the surrounding and the solution of the employer is a lot of steps taken by the company and reduce the second limit.
There has been a worrying trend that in past years, with the increasing craze of shopping malls amongst individuals, many small businesses have closed. This trend can be ascribed due to a number of reasons and it must be addressed by definite actions.
In this modern era, the world is changing a lot as compared to the past and freedom is very essential for proper development. some people strongly believe that kids must have to stay with their family members every time for their safe side while others do not. This essay will discuss both the sides of arguments in details and provide evidence on why free is superior for children.
Having a successful career is the dream of every individual. Today's world is full of competition where each person is striving hard to achieve their goals to build a prosperous career and happy family life simultaneously. Unfortunately, this has lead to many problems in the life of people.
Each and every day, many animal species are reaching closer to the phase of extinction. This essay will discuss the destruction of natural habitats of animals and overhunting as the main causes. This essay will also suggest the solutions to these problems including, banning deforestations and implementing new government laws on hunting.
In the current day and age , e-shopping has become the centre of attraction for all. Especially, during the lockdown, it has gained popularity and every individual has started using web stores as it is just phone away to buy anything. With this essay , I will be discussing the pros and cons of purchasing things online.
Recently, many working professionals are spending too many hours in the office, leaving hardly any time for extra-curricular activities. The earlier trend has numerous disadvantages like an increase in stress levels and a lack of personal growth, and it clearly outweighs the only advantage of having multiple promotions and pay hike.
In the era of the world-wide-web, where almost everything is going online, many educational institutions have started to avail their modules on the websites. This technological advancement has certain positive, as well as negative outcomes. Let's examine both the sides in the below paragraphs and reach to a conclusion.
As the years go by, the number of people opting for more sugary drinks in on the hike. Although it can be argued that this worrisome trend has deep-rooted underlying reasons, it has however important to ensure some strategies are put in place to curb this development. This essay will provide some explanation as to why this issue is becoming more widespread and proffer some practical solutions.
Criminal activities have increased throughout the decade. The levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities around the world. This essay will discuss the causes and solutions to overcome this problem.
Education is the foundation of professional as well as the personal aspect of every human being. There are many of us who believes that the institutions should accept pupil who scores higher. In contrary, others think that this disparity among the students should not be there more so, everyone should be able to enrol themselves in universities without considering factors like age or prior marks. It is a well-observed fact that the world stands polarized on this topic. Moreover, in this essay, I will discuss both the viewpoints in detail.
This past decade has witnessed a dramatic change in shopping methods of the general public. Majority of minor shopping outlets have been shuttering down due to the consumer interest in purchasing from major sales outlets. In my opinion, this is a positive transformation, because masses can purchase all types of products under one roof and these shopping malls provide a huge discount on desired products.
It is undeniable that people's dietary preferences have been changed in recent years. It is, therefore, the vast majority of the population depends on readymade foodstuff rather than cooking snacks at a home. This essay will discuss several factors which are contributing to the trend along with the possible solutions.
In the current times, smoking is developing as a bright concept among the youth and spreading like wildlife. Today in the essay, we would discuss both the concerning issue and the viable solution to the mattress, firstly the adoption of smoking occurs due to influence and it often considered as ‘cool’ which is an incorrect notion and secondly, the immediate need for appreciation awareness campaign as well as the harmful effects of it is necessary to be communicated.
Nowadays, starting an independent life after graduation has become expected for young people. More and more countries are accepting this as normal. It has many positive implications such as young people learn to manage the day to day issues and be responsible for their actions. Moreover, it teaches them to allocate their incomes and make aware choices regarding expenses.
It is very commonly seen nowadays that people are working for a long period and as a result , they have very less time for the activities to be done in their free time. This essay will provide arguments that this situation has more disadvantages than merits.
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