IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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There is no doubt that today employees devote extravagant time to their work, as a result of which they usually get stressed. This essay shall highlight various reasons and present a solution for the same.
In today’s modern world, parents tend to force their children to accomplish in a variety of fields of life. This pressure can have many negative consequences.
In many nations, online purchasing is common nowadays and increasing day by day. It is because many individuals have their own smartphones which help them to buy things and for online transition. Somehow, it has many drawbacks but on the other hand,it has more benefits too. In this essay, we will both in the next paragraph.
Nowadays, it has been observed that both politics and entertainment industry are gaining a similar level of popularity among the people. However, the income of famous personalities is way more than that of political workers. Since the functioning of both of these sectors is not related, it seems to be a positive development. In this essay, we will discuss some of the possible causes of this difference and also how it is beneficial.
Overweighted people is one of the most important concerns that governors have with regard to public health. Not only adults are becoming obese, but also children. This essay will discuss what could be the reasons behind this trend and what measures should be taken to tackle such a problem.
Recently, many people,especially teenagers, have become more interested in fashions which are typically changing everyday. In my opinion, I think this trend has profound negative effects on both environment and individuals.
Many may say, and it is true, that many wild species are at the dangerous mode of life, where either they have extinct or are about to extinct. These creatures are being exploited by several inhuman activities; there are some measures, including the development of unique facilities, which would lower the extinction problem.
Many may say, and it's factually right, that most prominent wild species are at the dangerous mode of life, where they suppose to be extinct or are being extincted. These animals enormously to be exploited by various human activities, and some relevant measures would provide relief.
These days parents often pressurize their children to get success in life. There are several rationales behind this phenomenon, fierce competition in the modern generation and expectations of parents from their children are the two prominent one. In my opinion, this approach is not admirable, because it can lead to various negative consequences.
The advancement of technology has enabled us to travel farther and explore remote locations which were hidden out earlier. While scientists and tourists prefer to discover an unknown location, such as the South Pole, there are others who are against such an exploration. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of travelling and unearthing of the remote natural locations.
Travelling which was considered a luxury before or was done out of share necessity is increasing every year. The essay will discuss why people are travelling far more than before and what are the benefits related to travelling?
Travelling around the world has never been easier than today. Each year more and more people are travelling around the globe like never before. This essay will discuss why people are travelling around like never before and what are its main benefits.
In recent times, there has been a steady decline in many countries in the number of people who are interested in the teaching profession. There are various reasons that contribute to this trend, low salaries and workload issues are the most common of them. However, there are some solutions which can be implemented to attract more people to pursue the teaching profession.
Modernization has led people to buy unnecessary and costly products. In most of these cases,people fall into debt. Thus, changes in the banking system can bring a solution to this issue. This reasoning will be further detailed in this essay.
For the last time, customers started to prefer to go shopping in large shopping centres or shopping malls to small local shops, hence, many of them have closed. Is seems like a negative development owing to the increase in unemployed people and inconvenience to go to a shopping place.
There has been an observation that several parents buy a great number of toys for their children to play with. The following advantages and disadvantages of playing with several toys for a toddler are listed below.
It has become apparent in recent decades that compared to the past nowadays families do not have close relationships as it was before. This is mainly because of the mass media influence and high rate of life. There are a number of solutions which should be implemented to deal with the issue.
Capital punishment is considered by many people to be the best method of reducing the horrific crimes in society while others believe that life prison is a much better way for it. Firstly, this essay will discuss the positive aspects of the death penalty law in curbing the crime rate and secondly, we will examine why a lifelong sanction encourages some to exclude the first one.
The rising crime rate among the youth has become a reason for concern for many nations. In this essay, we will understand some possible causes of such crises and few feasible solutions to it.
Nowadays, private schools are more preferred by everyone as these schools focus on the quality of education by providing both educational and behavioural skills. These are the primary needs for the children to become a social and responsible citizen in future. But private schools are expensive. Only 30% of kids can afford to go to private schools. In such scenario, to become a great and progressive nation, Government should look to provide funding to private school so that they can lower their fees so that even middle class and to some extent the poor people could also afford.
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