IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The issue of shops had been in existence for many a couple of decades around the world. For those who are interested it is possible to surf the Internet or read articles discussing shops. There are points of view on this matter. The first claim numerous shops closed down. An alternative belief regards that this is harmful and consider citizens prefer buy goods in big malls as the most important in that case. This essay allows me elaborate about this issue and also make a conclusion.
It is true that some pop stars or sportsmen, in some nations, are having much higher salaries than congressmen. This essay will discover the reason behind and show my personal opinion, which could be a negative improvement for the entire country.
With the help of numerous new discoveries and solutions to most of our problems, we achieved many advances in the field of agriculture. Preparation of tonics and remedial substances such as pesticides and growth hormones, helped us keep weeds and unwanted insects away from our healthy plants. Despite such advancement, many people in this world sleep with an empty stomach.
The topic of animals being kept captive has always been highly debated. Some feel that it is inhumane to keep them enclosed in spaces. However, others are of the opinion that the same could have many advantages for both animals and men. There are valid points for both sides that this essay will attempt to explain.
Nowadays, it can be seen that the numbers of people are going for organic food and workout. There are several advantages and positive for the human life. Many are still not attracting towards such beneficial development. Ways to encourage the others and specific reasons behind choosing such lifestyle will be explained in this essay.
It is clearly evident that violent crime rates has climbed up lately. I strongly believe that, this is due to two main reasons, namely advancements in technological devices and the lack of proper mental health education. One effective way to tackle this situation is to of course bring up more awareness campaigns, especially in high schools.
The advancements of technology have marginal effects in our life and this trend becomes more significant with the help of the Internet. While some argue that using the Internet makes people isolated, others believe that it strengthens relationships.
People migrating from one country to another is a topic of great significance in modern society. Individuals may move for a variety of reasons such as better employment prospects, to escape civil unrest and to be closer to family, amongst others. In my opinion, there are a myriad of reasons which contribute to this phenomena.
In the past few years, huge shopping complexes have gained popularity among buyers, which has led to the extinction of neighbouring businesses. According to me, it is a negative impact on the financial development of locals which will seize the potential opportunities for growth of their shops.
Time is altering, and so are people's attitudes toward their folklore and traditions. This phenomenon caused the appearance of new folklore, which many believe are quite the same around the world when comparing with our ancestor's traditions and costumes. This essay will discuss how globalization and the internet are contributing to this detrimental development.
It is often believed by a few sections of society that the government should support private schools in improving their standard by giving them funds. Although, this might be a prevalent conviction by some people, my perspective is that, the government should not provide their taxpayer's money to private schools and should instead focus on making public schools better. This essay will explain various reasons for my viewpoint.
In certain nations, second hand products are gaining more preference among individuals instead of buying new products. However, I believe this is largely a positive trend, although there is a small dark side to it. This essay will, firstly, suggest the main cause of this growing trend. Secondly, it will outline that by purchasing used goods have both positive and negative developments.
It has been often seen that elderly people are asked to take some physical activities by health workers, but they could not adhere to their advice, as they do not possess much strength in their body. This essay will discuss the causes and the solutions to this problem.
The advent of technology has resulted in laziness for a lot of people. People has habituated to eat fast food, and forgot to do exercises. It is creating an adverse effect on the individual's health. There are a lot of reasons behind this issue. In this essay, I will describe reasons for loosing fitness, and solutions to overcome this problem.
Nowadays, there has been a sudden increase in the sales of beauty products. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this trend and then describe the possible effects of using these products.
It is true that the family patterns and roles of each family member have significantly changed over the last decades in many parts of the world. In this essay, I would like to discuss several possible changes and I believe that those changes are totally beneficial.
Nowadays, many countries are facing a decline in the number of medical graduates and postgraduates in which difficulty level of this stream and expensiveness of science related courses is the preliminary contributors. As a result, it can deprive the humanity from medical professionals as well as the advanced scientific researches that are extremely necessary.
It is true that the traditional family mealtime is becoming a thing of the past. Several reasons could explain why this pattern of behaviour is changing and it can have some adverse impacts on family life and health.
Ever since we realised our powers to harness nature, we have started utilising it to make our life comfortable and more convenient. However, we then began to over utilise this authority and damage ecology to an extent that is catastrophic for the entire human race. Global warming and environmental pollutions are threatening our very existence on this planet and yet we are neglecting our obligations to protect the natural habitat primarily because we fail to realise the real consequences of it and believe that it can be dealt with in the future.
In the ultra-modern era, it is a fact that, because of human action on land and on ocean species of animals are exterminated. Even though there are several reasons for this situation; however, in order to find an explanation, it is first of all necessary to understand what has led to this happening. This essay will examine two aspects: causes of the above-mentioned situation and appropriate result.
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