IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In spite of the vast progress in healthcare, the quality standards of physical health in some developed countries is declining. It is undeniable that several developed countries have enjoyed the best health services, which is provided by their government. Despite having the best healthcare, unhealthy lifestyle and diets in developed countries are some of the main reason why the overall standard of physical health falling. In this essay, I will elaborate on the reasons and precautions in the following paragraph.
Although the tourism industry has brought lots of profits for many countries around the world, we should not deny its negative effect on local residents and nature. In my opinion, the drawbacks of tourism outweigh its benefits due to the impact of tourism on the depletion of natural resources through overconsumption as well as pollution, and waste problems.
Computers have changed the lives of humans with their amazing features and the ability to minimize workload. Nowadays many children are inclined towards computer games and most of their childhood they like to spend playing games. In this essay, I shall discuss both the pros and cons of playing computer games and provide solutions to decrease negative effects.
In today's world with high technology most celebrities earned much than those who work in the government. Social media helps these people to become popular in society in a short period of time. Endorsement to certain products and entertaining people are all trend today. It will give a good and bad effect on our society.
In this society of global modernisation and rapidly changing ethics, children are exposed to tremendous behavioural changes as they become adults. The major different changes have been observed in them as adults, few are beneficial and some of them are hazardous. In this essay, I would like to discuss the same.
In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency among parents to pressure children to perform their best. The main reason for this is that adults transfer their expectations to children. However, it may have an opposite result, discouraging youngsters from being an active person and, therefore, it responds as a negative development.
In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the extinction of many animal species on land and in sea. This essay will outline the UNDERLYING ROOTS OF THE ISSUE and suggest possible measures to deal with this problem.
There is no doubt that advancements in the technological sector have impacted the methods of communication with each other.However , this switch offers a certain beneficial way to build a strong relationship, it sometimes deprives the fundamental importance of a healthy relation.I entirely believe it as a positive development of technology which has enabled various communicating sources.
These days, there is an increasing tendency among people to wear clothes which are popular over the world. Such a trend is a result of the changes in society's perspectives on the value of wardrobe and the desire of the public to feel comfortable during the day. I consider this development as positive from both practical and economical sides.
The activities of humans as apex creatures severely affect other creatures. Furthermore, forestation and hunting are some of the reasons that lead to the extinction of animals. This essay will discuss the aforementioned causes and the solutions, such as encouraging tree planting and also a ban on animal hunting by the government.
Nevertheless,cultural and heritage is very significant to identify a nation's history.To represent an international exhibition there are many things in my nation.however,I would like to explain these things in the upcoming paragraph.
It is indeed a fact that poverty has been rapidly increasing all over the world. Even though there were causes for this situation, it can be still resolved by taking the necessary measurements. In this essay, both problems and solutions are discussed.
Tourism is becoming a global phenomenon in which many nations use to generate income. However, there is a drawback to this new business. In my opinion, I completely agree that the pros of tourism outweigh the cons.
Nowadays many young kids are facing obesity and it is increasing alarmingly in all the grown countries. It is a major concern across the globe. This essay elaborates the main causes of overweighting of youngsters and also a few major effects with obese.
Vigorous health is vital to work and enjoy life. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day is strongly recommended by doctors so that people can stay away from health-related problems. However, these recommendations are getting ignored. This scope of this essay is to discuss the cause of why people do not spend time on regular fitness and suggest a solution to get rid of this issue. A busy lifestyle is a potential root cause and a bonus program implemented by employers can be used to cure this issue.
Nowadays, employees take only a little to none time spent on physical activity. As a result, it contributes to the deterioration of their health. The essay will describe factors that make working individuals focus a little importance in doing daily training, and aswell suggest solutions to resolve the issue.
Finding a compromise between one’s job and one’s private life is probably harder than ever these days, especially if one has a family. There are several reasons for this, but also a number of measures we can take.
In today's world, shopping, as a leisure activity, is becoming more and more popular among the society. Despite this case, it is believed by some part of the population that this development has both merits and demerits which, in turn, will be discussed in this essay.
Generally speaking, natural water is being depleted in at an unprecedented rate at the moment due to being used excessively by humans. While some consider that water belongs to the public so they can use it unlimited, other insist that it is necessary for the government to implement a restrict control over freshwater utilization as it is a finite resource. In my opinion, I maintain that we should use water cautiously otherwise we will suffer from the shortage in the future.
Nowadays, in western countries it is increasingly popular that youngsters choose to live alone or live with someone when they finish secondary school. In this essay,I will discuss both the beneficials outcomes including the drawbacks if a young individual lives independently.
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