Well, we have information about people born in and outside Australia in 1995 and 2010 years. The graph shows statistic about living in urban, rural and town. We see that in 1995 native people prefer live in city like visitors, but percentage ratation more smoot. Statistic in 2010 more different and nomber of cityans prevails more than 3 time. This differenties betwin 1995 and 2010 driven by economic growth. Let's talk about differentis between people borned in Australia and outside. Should be said first that people go to Australia for some reasons it is: education, work and live in tranquility. In this reasons people that born outside Australia prefer live in city and we can see more big differences betwin areas of living. So, in my opineon nowdays we can see same picture. Peple born in Australia also prefer cities in a smaller nomber.