After invention of plastic, it has been preferred by most companies for their product packaging due to it's cost efficiency and easy availability. Desbite their benefits it is dangerous for environment and it's cons are clearly more dominatig than pros. To Commence with,by with, plastic waste is being created by humen by their dumping it in landfill which in turn malnutrient soil and underground water and individuals becoming sick after consuming them. India, for example, banned single use plastic in year 2022 to prevent soil pollution but many manufacturers still use them unlawfully due to cost saving.To overcome it, subsidies can be provided to promote jute and wooven packaging. Moreover, containers and wrappers used by most companies are made for non food grade plastic which can contaminate which if heated or get cold for long duration which in turn is unhealthy practice and enough to make a person sick. For instance, almost all cold drink companies in my regio...