People are of the opinion that earthly possesions are a major source of happiness while others hold a different view, arguing that wealth holds no value in bringing about joy. Although, material possesions may be a source of happiness, it does not provide permanent joy and may be associated with sadness. Both views would be further discussed and my opinion given. Happiness is a derivative of earthly possesions, as believed by certain individuals. Achieving a milestone or completing a project such as building a mansion, completing a family size brings gladness to the heart of men which they hold on to for a long period of time. For instance, a cousin of mine who was overjoyed at his recent appointment as the govenor of benue state, though tasked with many responsibilities, was glad having achieved such feat. He threw a grand party in celebration of his happiness. In addition, simple momentary things, like a gift, purchasing a car or exceling at an examination can be a vi...