student does not have confidence. The main reason behind it is that many students afraid about which kind of question the examiner can ask from them. This is why they find it difficult to do this because they need to think about the answer for a while and in the middle of the answer they do not have time to think. Also, a big pause in your answer can be the reason for your score deduction. So, it’s better to think about your answer first that you can finish in 2 minutes. For this, you need to practice well. Here for your practice, we are going to provide you some expected IELTS speaking cue cards 2019. You can practice it and it can be expected that any of those cue cards will your examiner ask in your IELTS speaking. So practice these cue cards, we are not telling you to memorize your answer, but it will be beneficial for you if you have already practiced out the same thing before your real test. So, check it out and prepare well. EXPECTED CUE CARDS FOR SEPTEMBER To DECEMBER 2019 ...