A vast majority of people aspire to possess a great job progression and a hilarious family at the same time. The main problem that can be caused is lack of time and a viable solution is to have part-time work . The major problem is that people might not have time to have a happy family and a great career. Firstly, people might be tired of performing their work and spending their time with close family, because they can not complete their job progression. Moreover, they have a hectic life , which also can lead to unexpected problems , such as thinning. For instance, the public who strive to realise dreams is always in movement, therefore they do not have time to eat. However, it also can affect their family, accurately with children, because of time management. Their children may not contacting their parents, which also can lead to diverting. The American research showed that 70 per cent of the population who strive to maintain a successful career also have this type of probl...