IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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These days some people take their families with them on industry tours. This is a positive trend because it brings many benefits and enjoyment to the family. This essay will point out the reason why bringing families into the field is a good thing. Taking their family with them on a trade expedition gives them the opportunity to explore new places. Also giving their children experience in how trading with foreign regions works.
Shortage of exercise in modern life is becoming a pervasive problem for many nations. Although physical activities are beneficial for our well-being, there are still many of us who do not utilise this information in our lives. This essay will explore the reasons for this phenomenon and suggest a few solutions.
Nowadays, many individuals invest more of their funds in things that improve their looks because they do not want to appear old. This is happening mostly due to peer influence. I also think this is a positive trend because it makes people feel good about themselves and can improve their productivity. In addition, this makes people relate better with others.
Some masses assert that the age of a teen is the most joyful age while others opposed that by saying the age after 22 is a great span of time. I agree with the former statement and will explain my points in the following paragraphs.
These days, technology has developed significantly. However, it is said that we should stop using it since it complicates our lives more. In my opinion, despite the complexity that technology may bring, I completely disagree with this statement for a number of reasons which will be outlined below
Nowadays lots of people are arguing about how to become successful. When the first think that you need to be talanted, the others are of the opinion that it depends on your unbringing. Personally, I am inclining to the idea that the point of success is a talent and it will be reviewed in the scope of this essay.
With the world growing faster, people need to work hard to overcome inflation and improve their economic status. Nevertheless, many people assert to have more than one occupation, while others reject this notion. I believe that having multiple jobs will contribute to health issues and drastic side effects.
In this Modern world,it has debate that pertains to be the top of every discussion on all leisure activities specifically reading habits versus watching TV .A controversial assumption has evolved recently that some segments of society opine that the people who consider reading as a leisure time activity have a better fantasy than those who watch TV .In my point of view, I personally agree with the statement wholeheartedly .This essay shall analyse the topic in a broad manner and explains how my assumption is connected to the agreement.
The number of jobs in wireless internet has skyrocketed in recent years.This made life easier for an employee, despite being taxing.Additionally, there are a growing number of innovative mobile phone technologies and start-ups.As a result, technology has changed how people work and made it easier to find work. Working from home is, without a doubt, an excellent choice.because it provides a means of family and leisure.
It is sometimes stated that consumers would stop buying printed products such as books and newspapers as new age technology makes news and novels easily accessible with a touch. I disagree with this assertion since there are many people who love reading from a book, therefore even with an increased tendency as such, paperbacks would still be available.
Nowadays, one of the widely discussed issues is that so much of the information you need can be found on the Internet, which limits people's creativity. Personally, I intend to consider that although development is beneficial for humans, overall everything is associated with a negative effect.
Although in the contemporary era there are a number of fitness centres yet people are unfit as compared to the earlier times. In this essay, I will try to suggest a few reasons behind this issue and will help to menace it.
It is often said that companies and supermarkets are in charge of reducing the amount of packaging of items. On the contrary, many people believe that people who purchase items shouldn't buy items with a lot of packaging. This author's perspective is in agreement with the statement that people have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging by not purchasing too much packaging of items. In the following essay, these views are about to be debated as well.
At the present time, with the advancement of technology, it is predictable to increase the amount of the driverless veacheles in the new future. All of people will considered as a passenger. In my point of view, the advantages of this phenomenon, outweigh the disadvantages. I will discuss my reasons in the upcoming paragraphs.
Advancements of many devices have been on the high nowadays and it is a widely debated topic that this has adversely affected the bond between people. I, however, strongly disagree with this statement and believe that technology has brought us together in various ways for the reasons outlined below.
In this ultra-modern epoch, it is a moot point that the communication gap has increased between families as compared to the past years. I am in agreement to a larger extent with the said notion and this essay would shed light on my personal standpoint.
Every country prefers their national language which they expect from the people to learn who are entering into their country. Most people migrate abroad for their living and face plenty of challenges. This essay totally agrees with the above-mentioned statement and would discuss that social problem leads to loneliness whereas, practical issues causes a delay in basic routine tasks.
In the modern world, many people feel stressed from time to time, which can affect their well-being negatively.Although, I would argue that there is one primary reason why they feel more under pressure, there are also some steps that should be taken to deal with this problem.
Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the present age. And people all around the world even to this day are living in a “throw-away” society. Some people assert that pollution is not a big problem, because they do not see consequences, whereas many other argue that every unnecessary usage of plastic or other material is bad. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view.
Numerous government thinks the most important achievement for their country is to have a great economy while the plethora of people think along with economic progress distinct progress is equally important. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and outline the importance and significance of both ideas.
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