IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this contemporary world, it is generally claimed by people who do emperical studies that, in a few years to come, mankind will communicate in a single language. This I think, will ameliorate the world socially, as will be discussed in this essay.
There are many questions that why individuals would like to have various surgery for cosmetics in the modern world. The impending essay will elaborate on why it is happening and will discuss the pros and cons of this surgery.
It would be argued by some that undergraduates are encouraged to choose their favourite subjects to study. In my opinion, however, it would be more beneficial if they choose majors that are helpful for them after their graduation.
Choosing a suitable living place is one important problem that many people face. However, whether they need to change homes is a controversial issue. In my opinion, people should change their addresses when they change jobs in other cities. It is a positive mind.
Obesity is a very common problem nowadays , especially for the young generation. Due to lack of time people prefer not to cook food at home and get their meals from restaurants and this ultimately leads to obesity and serious health issues. But I do not think advertisements are the main factor for this.
The amount of packaging of foods is a topic that has been getting increasing attention over the past few years. While most agree that something has to be done in order to reduce the number of packages used, the best way to achieve this is still controversial. On one hand, some people think that the manufacturers and supermarkets should decrease the packaging of the goods they sell, but on the other hand, some are convinced that the initiative has to come from the customers, who should avoid buying such products.
These days, obesity among offspring becomes a serious concern in many nations across the world, due to consuming desserts and fast food which contain excessive fat and sugar. In this essay, the cause of an increase in a number of children who suffer from being overweight as well as promising remedies to the crisis will be examined before my conclusion is reached.
The reduction of global environmental damage should be solved by governments rather than everyone.As far as my opinion is concerned I fully disagree with this statement because it is the responsibility of every single person to take care of the environment.
Today's world has seen some incredible advancements in the technology sector including smartphones but considering the number of hours people have been spending on them lately, they may not be a positive development.
Education, especially higher education, has been one of the most popular topics of social issues. Some people argue that some university students are unable to pay the cost of higher education by themselves, hence the government should bear the tuition fees. Even if this opinion is reasonable to some extent, my view is that most of college students should take responsibility to bear their own tuition fees, and poor students can receive financial support from the government additionally.
Learning a foreign language such as English at school is frequently seen as important more than studying local languages. If these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out.
Watching television is considered an effective approach to learning by many people because sound and image information is easy to attract students' attention, which is beneficial for cultivating their interests. While many TV programmes may have educational effects to some extent, I disagree with the opinion that students should learn by watching TV.
It is the belief of some that teenagers should volunteer to do community service even if there is no payment as it would be beneficial to both society as well as the teenagers themself. My take on this is that I strongly support this speculation and I would suggest that the younger generation should be encouraged to do so with the aid of their respective educational institutions.
These days, concern about climate change is becoming one of the most pressing matters in our world. Although there are numerous reasons why this is occurring, there are also many actions that can be taken in order to solve the rising problem.
Although distance learning courses are very common these days, many people think that taking in-person classes is better than taking online courses at universities or colleges. In my opinion, I agree with the matter of directly studying at school.
In the past few decades, technology is so much evolved that it is almost impossible to make track of it. Particularly in the smartphone industry, technology has become absolute in just a few months. Now smartphones are gadgets and every child believes he should have one and once you have something then you will spend time with it. In my opinion, children should spend less and less time on smartphones because spending more time with them will affect their lifestyle and social upbringing.
Different consumptive habits will lead to different wardrobe choices. Some lean toward quantity by getting lots of cheaper clothes, while others prefer quality by purchasing a few expensive but well-made garments. This essay will argue why less but lasting clothes are a wiser choice in spite of the more expensive price.
Nowadays , we can find any type of food in markets that some of which come from other areas. People can buy food easily and sometimes they don’t know that some the foods have a long trip to begin there.
In our today’s world, there are many job opportunities that they can be in different types such as self-employed and working for a company. According to the people’s passion, self-employment jobs are increasing and they prefer to be their own employer rather than others. This tendency can have several reasons. Undeniably self-employment jobs have pros and cons. Therefore, I will dig into the reasons which make self-employment popular and the disadvantages of these kinds of jobs.
As technology is developing more frequently, more and more people are reading e-books and newspapers online for free. Some experts believe that no one is going to buy printed books or newspapers in the future. I totally agree with it. This essay will provide specific examples and illustrate why reading online is better than printed ones.
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