IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In our today’s world, there are many job opportunities that they can be in different types such as self-employed and working for a company. According to the people’s passion, self-employment jobs are increasing and they prefer to be their own employer rather than others. This tendency can have several reasons. Undeniably self-employment jobs have pros and cons. Therefore, I will dig into the reasons which make self-employment popular and the disadvantages of these kinds of jobs.
As technology is developing more frequently, more and more people are reading e-books and newspapers online for free. Some experts believe that no one is going to buy printed books or newspapers in the future. I totally agree with it. This essay will provide specific examples and illustrate why reading online is better than printed ones.
Decreasing the usage of resources such as fuel and gas has been an international issue. My opinion is that every country should work together and take action instantly to achieve the goal. In the following paragraphs, I am going to discuss my viewpoints.
With rising of affordable flight tickets from airlines company, international travel is becoming more popular among all stages of people around the world. It is significant that a lot of countries open their door and encourage tourists internationally and locally. There is a saying that the advantages of increased tourism take precedence over its disadvantages. In my perspective , I strongly agree with this statement, I will elaborate further about this.
Citizens in different parts of the world have arguments regarding minimizing their country's participation in the events or problems faced by another union. In my view, I am not in favour of this conversation as I believe that cooperation and mutual understanding in each nation are effective to resolve problems.
Whether it is advantageous to alter jobs or to remain attached to the same company throughout the life for advantage of individuals and the rest is a debatable issue, this essay will juxtapose both views as perused further.
Nowadays, the living costs of many nations have increased dramatically. This trend has serious impacts on people and the community. In this essay, I will discuss the consequences of this issue and how to alleviate the same.
Television was one of the pivotal inventions made by mankind. Many human beings say that television is helpful for teaching, while others believe it is used merely for amusement. I think this device is might be used the obtaining of information. This essay will explain in details of my approach with examples in the forthcoming passages.
It is often considered that a group of people believe that computer technology had made living hard. However, the community think that computer devices had make life easy. I completely agree with the statement electronic computer system had reduce the workload of people. This essay will elaborate on my view and thus lead to a logical conclusion.
Whether it is advantageous to alter jobs or to remain attached to the same company throughout the life for advantage of the individual and the rest is a debatable issue, this essay will juxtapose both views as perused further.
With the boom of information technology, everyone would be able to read anything without even paying for them in the future thus eliminating the need for buying news dailies or printed books. In my opinion, I agree with the suggestion and I would like to argue on behalf of the point.
It is not deniable that the strong bond between family members is getting weak in recent times. Considering the importance of this issue,in this essay, I will try to mention the root causes of this social issue and suggest some solutions to address the problem.
It is proposed that consuming edible insect products helps support the demands for food sources of the growing population. However, some people contend that eating these items is not only unhealthy but also that harvesting them can have a negative effect on our ecosystem. Eating insects, like eating other foods, necessitates careful consideration. In this essay, we will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of eating these.
The concept of working offshore from home has gained momentum in some countries. It is believed to be the future of the modern workforce. While it has positive outcomes there are issues concerning the well-being of employees as well.
In this contemporary epoch, whilst proponents are of the belief that mathematics is not a quintessential subject that must be taught at schools, opponents have a diverse view. Thus, I am a staunch believer that mathematics has an indispensable role in any learning process. In this essay, my contention will be further demonstrated.
In this ultra-modern epoch, few chunks of society considered that it is significant to take risks in their career and in their personal life. I firmly opine that the merits of this trend are eclipsed by its demerits.
These days, the world is dealing with alarming issues that should be properly addressed, mainly the problem of overpopulation. Such a phenomenon occurs due to several reasons which severely affect our society, among those, the current low mortality rate and the lack of education are some of the most pressing ones. However, there are specific actions that authorities can take in order to tackle the problem.
The rise in the cost of historical and old building restoration has led to debates around the world about public resource distribution. Some suggested that the infrastructure projects, such as new housing and road development, should be invested more capital. This essay will explain why I think old building renovation and new infrastructure expansion are equally imperative.
Nowadays, we do not need to go to the office most often because all of the jobs can be perfectly done remotely. There are some obvious pluses of it such as saving time on commuting and having a chance to spend more time with the families. On the other hand, people sit a lot and gain more weight quickly which and it becomes really hard for them to socialize.
It is considered by some individuals that the financial growth of a state is the most essential part of the nation, while others believe growth in other sectors is more essential. In my opinion, I think the improvement in other aspects of the country is more important than just financial growth.
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